For a brief few moments, it was hard to make sense of anything going on around Senjen. Shards of glass, metal, and other debris flew through the kitchen just over the counter above him while high energy blasts tore apart anything in their path. Senjen kept low to the floor behind the counters, out of sight of the droids or the gunships, but all it would take was a moment of bad luck to tear him apart too. Still, the shouting from the others around him gave him something to focus on. The Human’s mother was hit, but the girl was awake and they were all ready to flee. Good, that was something he could do. The man gave orders this time that he had no hesitation in following. Senjen first grabbed Light next to him and maneuvered him around quickly so he could grab on to his back. If, at any point, Senjen needed to flee as fast as he could, he at least wanted to make sure Light was with him. From there, he grabbed the old woman and held her over his right shoulder while taking hold of the repeater in his opposite hand. There was a lot to weigh him down now, but it was much less of a burden for him than it would be for any of the others. He did not experience fatigue or muscle strain, and he was free to consistently operate at his limits. Carrying two people added mass and gave him more inertia, but the only thing that really slowed him was the fact that he could not run on all-fours. He could not be as quick on two legs, though he was still far from slow. Senjen had a mind to launch them out the window and into the building across the street. He doubted their gunship would start shooting up buildings belonging to other, uninvolved organizations. However, the Human man looked like he was going for the back stairs, and Senjen did not want to separate from him. He moved along the floor of the kitchen, keeping below the counters to stay out of sight. For the moment, he carried the repeater in his mouth so he could at least have one free hand to help maneuver more quickly along the floor. He crawled out from the far exit of the kitchen, around the counter nearest to the back exit. Once the table was no longer blocking his path, he braced his feet against the counter behind him, disengaged his electromagnets, and kicked off of the counter to launch them at speed through the open door. From the stairwell, he would turn back around to cover the Human man and his daughter while they caught up, though he would only shoot if the droids gave any attention to them. The soldiers were still fighting them at the moment, and he did not want to draw any attention to their escape.