[center][h2]Ethan Marsh[/h2][/center] [right][code]Monday April 14th, 13 Mourningdove Lane[/code][/right][hr] This town is surely something, Ethan thought as he drove to the place listed on the letter that sat neatly on the passenger seat next to him. He came to this place searching for answers, and now, it has given him more questions. Just his luck, but this letter with its own questions like how does this person know he has magic and other things. It does confirm what he has come to realize about themself. He has magic, but what this means and why now is the bigger question. Ethan could only sigh at the thought that he came for a mission, a personal quest. Now, it seems like he may have a new one or at least a side venture. Still, having magic will not get in the way of his mission, but he will see where this path goes. Who knows, it may somehow be related to his parents. Though Ethan has considered that part to be a stretch but, after what happened a week ago and now this letter. Magic is back, and he is a mage. Thus, anything could be on the table at this point. Still, it is something that he is a mage, a title that he thought was a myth. It was both a concerning and happy feeling once Ethan figured it out. What does this mean, and what are the consequences of this? Questions that Ethan hoped the Archivist can answer, and if not. He is already in one investigation, and he does not mind having a second one, even if the focus is on the first one. By the time Ethan reached the mansion, its dark and foreboding nature did not faze him. He is here for a reason, and he will see what his Archivist has in store for him. He also saw that he was not alone as he parked his car nearby and walked to the gate with the letter in hand. So he is not the only one in town with magic, and how many people are going to be here, he wondered as he walked to the front door. Slowly noticing, it was wood carved with intricate patterns. So this Archivist likes ornate things, he thought. You can say that Ethan, despite his nature, is nervous about this. What does all this mean, and who is this Archivist? He does not know what to expect and with magic being a factor. What can you expect, really? That thought rose in his mind as he tried to open the front door as it opened by itself. "Magic," Ethan said in a low but surprised tone and briefly stepped back in response. Who is the Archivist? It echoed in his mind, but he is here now, and he will see this through. So, with one final long bated breath, Ethan walked inside as the doors closed behind him. Time to see who this Archivist is.