[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5589246][img]https://i.imgur.com/q339ptF.png[/img][/url] [sup][h3][b][color=black] M A W A T A R I[/color] [color=#DAA520]M A W A T A R I[/color][/b][/h3][/sup][/center] Jun stared, listening as they all talked here. Yeah, the homeroom teacher was still listening to the whole ordeal and really wasn’t too pleased because of course Kyoya was being a fool and a half…[i]seriously whoever just jumped onto another person’s desk[/i]...threatened detention just like before. Then they mentioned the joint training to ‘toughen up’ the class. So, a test it was. She inwardly sighed at it all…yeah, homeroom teachers did love bashing their heads into walls. Is that why they didn’t stay around for long? [indent][quote][i][color=8493ca]“As your homeroom professor just said, it is exactly as it sounds. We're here to help you get stronger… and for that, you lot are going to fight us, the Furious Five, the top five students of this college. I'm not one to brag, but… well, the numbers don't lie. The matchups are going to be revealed when the joint training begins, but before it does, you're free to formulate your contingencies against us. We'll be doing the same against you, though. So… be prepared.”[/color][/i][/quote][/indent] The bird, Izanagi, spoke next, serving to only confirm it. They were eager to test the class, she could tell it, and altogether it wasn’t surprising. For the most part though, as far as Jun was aware, the quirks that the ‘Furious Five’ had didn’t quite nullify hers. She’d simply have to act as normal, almost, though then again they would be expecting that. At least, she was expecting they would know her normal methods. The wins at sports festival hadn’t really been all that quiet. No, making a plan before knowing the matchups would merely serve to walk into traps of assumptions. It would be better to wait. [indent][quote][i][color=#ff6842]"A few questions actually. First, while you said that this is an 'eduvacation,' will heroes not classified as four stars will receive temporary four star status to work abroad? Will those already classified as four stars be allowed to do hero work in Otheon? Also, in regards to sparring, are you giving us permission to go all out?"[/color] [color=FFF8DC]"Precisely, Ms. Belic. Those with three-star ranking will be evaluated during the Fieldtrip and promoted along the way or right after. Those with four-star cards are allowed to operate overseas and yes, feel free to go all out, the common sense of restrain will be not to kill anyone of course." "Mawatari, Takari, it's overdue but here are your four star licenses."[/color][/i][/quote][/indent] Getting up from her seat and taking the license in hand, Jun stared down at it for a moment before looking up at the rankings. It’d been a good enough assumption that she’d be getting it soon, sure, but just getting handed the thing alongside them of all people was almost sad. They were [i]ahead[/i] of her in the rankings, too. A deep breath out. Yeah, Kyoya was strong but they just didn’t act like a hero should as far as she was concerned. Then again, as far as she was concerned, there was a lot that could be improved all around. [i]Can’t forget yourself[/i], she said inwardly. It wouldn’t do to get your own head up there. Hisora’s comment on ‘one-upping’ her was pointedly ignored. Then she saw the matchups, [i]Akai Jace versus Mawatari Jun, Mischa Belic[/i], heard the one hour to prepare. Jace was the shifter, fox-looking boy with the strange little features. What was the creature? Kitsune-looking type. She could guess he was the same as those, the sorts of illusionary types where reality became blended away just a bit. As for Belic, she wasn’t altogether certain what her quirk was though…if they had been paired against Jace, surely it’d be somewhat useful. Turning to the Dutch girl, she smiled just a bit. [color=#DAA520]”No sweat, huh?”[/color] [hr] Jun watched as Spiderman made his way through them after swinging-in out of near-nowhere. It was impressive how the hero just sort of [i]appeared[/i] like he did, no warning at all in the motion save for the whistling of the wind. The feeling of impressiveness soon wore off as she watched him go through the line. Spiderman just sounded…almost like a kid, almost like them. She stretched while standing, aware that while the gym uniform did absolutely nothing for modesty it also was absolutely flexible and unimpeding as a thing could be without just not having clothing at all. It wouldn’t help to be nervous about how she looked, after all. Of course Jun also was aware that she looked pretty good, all things considered. She’d worked hard to get there. Then Spiderman got to Jun and Mischa. [indent][quote][i][color=crimson]"I see a pattern here, the admins must love tomboys![/color][/i][/quote][/indent] She stared at him, completing the pose to go back to standing lax, waiting, watching. Turning just a bit to Mischa, she smiled again. Sure, they’d agreed that flattening the whole practice grounds wasn’t ideal, especially considering the type of person Jace was and how their quirk was like, but it was still an entertaining thought. It was also a good way of confusing the other people. [color=#DAA520]”You think they’re attached to these buildings?”[/color]