[@Eviledd1984 ] I'm... Very confused... I'm sorry, I'm just having a very hard time following the series of events that just happened in your latest post. I thought Sam already got up and left with Azir after he initially knocked over the table, and they were having dinner - not lunch... And I thought he was asking [i]them[/i] for help in catching the gremlins he and Azir were chasing, not offering to help Miyuki and Yumeiko who [i][b]aren't[/b][/i] chasing any gremlins? And then all of a sudden they're in a hallway even though they were just inside the cafeteria and soemhow they're now inside the vents of the buildings because Sam used his powers...? I... I'm having trouble... Maybe I missed something or am misreading or misunderstanding? I'm just very uncertain of what just happened.