Johnny didn’t even get his damn food, and there were gunshots ringing out. [color=00ff00]”God fuckin’- Aaaalright, kids…”[/color] That couldn’t have actually been Striders, he’d just rode in with them. What, did they drop him off and circle around? Wait for him to be in the thick of things and fucking shoot him along with everyone else? What the hell kind of fucking plan is that? [color=00ff00]”Damn well better not be no fuckin’ Striders,”[/color] Johnny groaned. He grabbed his chips and swung his leg away from the stool he sat on. [color=00ff00]”Can’t no man eat in peace like this.”[/color] He just wanted a quiet day. An [i]hour[/i] at most to take a break but [i]no.[/i] Same shit, different day. Johnny unslung his rifle from his shoulder and clicked the safety off. [color=00ff00]”Keep yer heads down, unless you got a gun and know how to use it. Sons’a bitches…”[/color] From the sounds of it, there were a lot of them outside, slowly closing in like a predator around Sully’s rest. Which meant standing behind walls was the safest bet, so Johnny opened a window at an empty seat and used the table to steady his rifle. He loaded in a metal slug and took aim for the closed gate, daring those raiders to come through it. [color=00ff00]”Can’t get a damn minute to eat these days. Can’t have shit,”[/color] he mumbled. [color=00ff00]”Come on, fuckers. Open up.”[/color]