[h1][center][color=red]The Todoroki Siblings[/color][/center][/h1] Haru made Hinata feel welcomed. She wasn't sure how people would react to her and her brother or her introduction. She didn't want to come off as conceited or thinking she was better than them simply because she was ranked back in America. She believed her ranking was due more to her popularity with the people, especially the kids as a girl who could light up. When it came to heroics she was essentially Star's first officer, but Star rarely ever needed her help. Here she wanted to make her own name for herself. Maybe today's joint training exercise would help start that. [color=gold]"I am. It's nice to meet you, Ueno Haru. You can call me Hinata or Hina. Victorious Sun does have a great ring to it. Maybe we'll end up making a name for ourselves as the Sol Dyad. Let's shine bright!"[/color] She exclaimed for the entire class to hear while sticking her fist out to Haru. Naito was impressed to find out that Haru's mom was quirkless as well. He was worried that he ruined his future kids' chances of gaining a quirk, but this gave him hope. He wouldn't be a blight on them. They'd have the potential to be as strong as anyone else. [color=gray]"Nice to meet you as well. I'll be happy to show everyone around, but I advise staying clear of Kessel's undercity. Not everyone has the stomach for what goes on down there. It's a lawless zone of chaos."[/color] As more students entered and the holographic professor reappeared Hina and Naito wondered if they were assigned to the right class after all. For one, their teacher was a pervert who had her yaoi posters behind her computer and they were being tasked to fight against a short pervert who liked doing Kami knows what with chains and cages. Naito attributed the cages to him being an avian heteromorph, but the ch---Oh no. That caged bird was singing of freedom. Curse his detective mind. He did not need to know his senpai's strange and problematic kinks. He returned his focus to his official assignment as tour guide. He volunteered, but as an official guide he'd be expected to spend more time with the group. He needed to finish what he started with the undercity's Dark Princess of Crime. [hr] Hinata was excited, but also a bit nervous. She wasn't sure how five people were expected to fight one person when they didn't have any chemistry as a team. But the fact that they needed five in the first place to go against one fighter was what excited her. They had to be strong. If they were to win here that would set the pace of the year and their path overall. To overcome the strongest of the Furious Five. They'd probably replace the Five right off this feat alone. Hina smashed her right fist into her left palm with a large grin on her face as she walked into the Sigma Training Ground. [color=gold]"I'm fired up!"[/color] She wasn't wearing her shades, figuring that she needed to train without it as well. Naito on the other hand was completely nervous. He felt naked without the Dark Paladin costume, specifically the helmet. But he didn't want to look weird by putting on the helmet while in his gym clothes. He also didn't want to expose his new classmates to that side of him yet. Paladin wasn't always the friendliest, especially when it came to battle. Instead Naito just wore his utility belt around his waist with his side pouch. He also wore his gloves. The benefit of being Quirkless was that he was allowed certain advantages in exercises like these to balance things out. Hina tried to contain her fangirl excitement when Spiderman arrived. She couldn't believe he was here to watch their Joint Training Exercise. Then he approached her and she was unable to contain what she was feeling. He was a fan of [i]her[/i]? She couldn't believe it. The #1 Hero in Japan was a fan of her. [color=gold]"You... No, I'm a fan of you! Thank you, Spiderman."[/color] Maybe that Japan ranked spot was in reach after all. [@El Gato Naranja][@Megatron][@everyone]