I'm going to be honest here. I'm a little confused on where the disconnect is here with regards to the concept of this game and the types of characters involved. The opener, I feel, lays out pretty clearly what the intent for this game is and the scope of stories we're looking to tell within it. We spent much of the interest check fielding questions regarding what is and isn't within the scope of this game, and I don't want that to become a trend here as well. I understand and appreciate that there are many, many cool concepts and characters people want to run with. Those concepts and characters can work wonderfully in another game at another time, but this isn't that game. This isn't the place for general cool ideas, and just because a character exists or has strong history within NYC doesn't mean they fit within the scope of this RP. So, once more, I'll list the three criteria that qualify a character as being within the scope of this game: 1) [b]They are street level.[/b] This should, I hope, be pretty self explanatory. These need to be characters that can reasonably be challenged by organized crime and the lower-level superhumans they employ. When GMs introduce a heavier hitter through events, these are to be dangerous foes for vigilantes of this level and not fodder for more powerful heroes. It doesn't matter that Joe Fixit has history with the mob; he's too strong for the scope of this game. 2) [b]They have to have an active interest and reason in taking on organized crime.[/b] This is the primary conceit of the game, and if the character in question would have no regard for the organized crime narrative then they do not suit this game. As this is not an ultimate-style game where complete character revisions are possible and encouraged, this does not mean taking a usually unrelated hero and greatly modifying their backstory to 'fit' the game's concept. It doesn't matter that Cyclops can be removed from the X-Men and placed in NYC as a solo hero; the X-Men members are intrinsically linked to teams and the greater community members, with no real attachment to organized crime as a whole, thus they're beyond the scope of this game. 3) [b]They remain relatively true to the heart of the character, among all various mediums and canon interpretations.[/b] As stated in 2), this is not an ultimate-style game, and so as fun as it might seem to take a usually a-list hero and strip them down to be street level, that's not what this game is for. You don't need to follow comic history 1-to-1 by any means, but you also can't be so greatly deviating that the core of the character's backstory, powers, or goals are fundamentally changed. It doesn't matter that Silver Surfer can totally have lost their memory, get caught up in gang activity, and be struggling to regain their power so that they're currently at street-level; that's not what the Silver Surfer is or will be, and can't exist within the scope of this game. If your character concept does not align with one of these, and you are wondering if it'll work here, the odds are that no, it will not. These aren't brutal restrictions by any means, and there's still [i]so[/i] much freedom in choosing characters and stories to write for this game. But if people keep coming here with concepts that absolutely violate the conceit of this game, then it's going to feel like a pretty oppressive thing when the GMs have to constantly shoot down ideas. So, please, read the opener, use this, and ask yourself: "is the concept I'm about to put out there in line with these simple things, or am I going to cause the GMs collective heads to explode out of frustration?"