[h1]Seares System[/h1] Primary: G0 V Yellow Main Sequence I: Rock Planet (tidal locked) II: Jovian Gas Giant (Planetary rings, 20 small moons, 13 large moons) - Orbital refinery. [hider=III: Seares] [b]Planetary Dimensions & Composition[/b] Diameter: 12569.96 km Area: 496384000 km2 Land: 195,078,912 km2 Water: 301,305,088 km2 Satellite: One Climate: Earthlike diversity in climate zones across the planet [b]Inhabitants/Species/Population[/b] Population: Race: Human [b]Species[/b] [b]Physical Description[/b] [b]Culture/Government[/b] Government type: Corporatism Capital: New Harrogate Executive Branch: Chief of State: The Chairman Legislative Branch: The Board of Directors Judicial Branch: The Board of Directors [b]Technology[/b] [b]Technological Achievements[/b] Flatpack Vehicles (land, amphibious, water) ContraGrav Vehicles Seares Ration Packs (multispecies) General Products Autofac [b]Space Faring Vessels[/b] Lunar shipyard facilities. Noted for building the Liberty II Cargo Ship with detachable ContraGrav cargo drop modules, the Lewis and Clark Survey Saucers, and various auxiliary ships (fuel tankers, manufacturing ships.) [b]Weapons[/b] Manufactures slug throwers, bass stunners, lasers, licensed manufacturer of the Centurian II Battle Suits. [b]Science/Medicine[/b] MedLabs produces licensed Uterine Replicators, MedBots, MedDroids, Autodocs, GenLabs, and Medical Suite modules, field kits, and analyzer rods. Bioplas - programmable plastic used to create vacuum-protecting ulsters and jackets, spacecraft atmospheric sealing, programmable furnishings, and the BioPlas programmable rod. [b]Communications[/b] Producer of the Omni portable communications/net appliance. The MilSpec version includes "slabs" that augment the operation of the Omni for use for science, engineering, and medical. Augmented Reality glasses CompPortSys - available in pocket-sized modules and larger units. [/hider] IV: Rock Planet - V: Ice Planet - Medical Manufacturing and Research VI: Asteroid Belt - Mining operations VII: Ice Planet - Isolated Labs VIII: Ice Planet IX: Ice Planet X: Ice Planet XI: Asteroid Belt - Mining Operations [hider=Notable Characters] Name: Age: Physical Description: Position in society/occupation: Personality Traits: Strengths/weaknesses: Material possession: [/hider]