[center][h1][color=ff5000][b]Renar Hagen[/b][/color][/h1][/center] Oh, Renar could see where this was going a mile away. As alien as the fae were in mindset, genuine emotional reactions were still a tell. And this was just blatant. Still, that just meant it was [i]possible[/i] to accomplish what they set out here to begin with. All they had to do was indulge her nonsense and gently string her along to the conclusion that returning the Duke's wits was the only way to even have a chance of getting what she wanted. Which wasn't untrue, of course. As for the question...well, it wasn't something Renar would have preferred to answer with the whole truth. After all, admitting to being a manipulative bastard (figurative in this case) was rather unpalatable. That, and it would likely be answered with the demand to [i]do so[/i] at this very moment. And for obvious reasons, that wasn't exactly something that could simply be accomplished on the fly. Still, with the right phrasing, he could likely spin this in a way where he likely wouldn't have to. And in a way that could get this whole ordeal back on track. [color=ff5000][b]"What can I do?"[/b][/color] Renar folded his arms, giving off the impression of only considering this now. [color=ff5000][b]"To begin with, everyone within our party is skilled in their own right when it comes to battle. They wouldn't be knights of the Iron Rose, otherwise. As for what would differentiate me..."[/b][/color] He let the question hang for a moment before continuing on. [color=ff5000][b]"I'd say I have something of a small talent in getting human nobility to act in my benefit. Little nudges here, some pointed reminders there, that sort of thing."[/b][/color] What? He wasn't going to admit to outright bribery and blackmail in front of the bloody Court Mage, thank you very much.