[color=CD5C5C][h2]Maverick Breaker[/h2][/color] [url]https://imgur.com/a/hkyXFIr[/url] [i]Havenwood[/i] [hr] Maverick chugged his beer as if it was a bottle of water. The beer was warm, as to be expected, but he could care less, at least it was something. he held the bottle over his mouth trying to get the last few drops out of it and peeked into the bottle to triple check that it really was empty. Maverick looked over at Milo then quickly looked up to the guard who had Just fired his weapon to get everyone's attention. Maverick quietly scoffed. [color=CD5C5C]"I've got no place in any of this... Their enemy is my enemy, that's all there is to it..."[/color] He whispered to himself, almost as if he was trying to remind himself not to get into any of the wastelands politics. Maverick threw his bottle into a nearby trashcan with a bit too much force, causing the sound of glass shattering to echo throughout the area. A handful of the residents in the crowd looked back at him while others kept listening to Josiah. [color=CD5C5C]"God, my bad... that's my bad."[/color] He awkwardly spoke. Maverick closed his eyes and let out a deep breathe as everyone went their separate ways after Josiah's speech. Maverick opened his eyes once again to see Milo getting ready to leave as well. Taking a closer look at him, it was hard for Maverick to tell what exactly Milo was. Milo looked relatively human, but he's seen mutants that looked just like him, Maverick quickly glanced away as Milo looked over at him. [color=8493ca]"You comin' or not?"[/color] Maverick shrugged. [color=CD5C5C]"Yeah, guess so."[/color] He groggily spoke. He had no clue who this guy was, but [i]he did trade him some beer,[/i] so it can't be too bad to tag along with him. Maverick loosely followed behind Milo as they made their way to the Arsenal. -- [i]Havenwood - Arsenal[/i] [hr] Maverick sat in the corner repairing and cleaning his gun while the rest of Havenwoods residents went on with their business at the Arsenal. His shotgun was a crudely put together mess of metal pipes, scrap wood, hopes, and dreams. It was an odd recreation of a pre-war double barrel shotgun, but it worked and it was surprisingly reliable at that. Maverick wiped down the stock of the gun, making sure to gently clean any dirt from the 'M + D' carving. A faint smile formed on his face as he brushed his thumb over the engraving. [color=CD5C5C]"God, you have no idea how much I miss you Dustie..."[/color] He whispered to himself as a tear streamed down his cheek. Quickly, Maverick wiped his face then put the gun to his side as he began to sharpen his knife. [color=CD5C5C]"This guy better have more beer..."[/color] he shakily whispered to himself as more tears streamed down his face.