[i]”Unbelievable.”[/i] Senjen thought. This Human was meant to be the boss, so why wasn’t he taking charge? Why would he look to Senjen for answers to anything? Whatever the reason, it was not like they could just stop to ponder. If the boss was not going to take the lead, then [i]someone[/i] had to. They had a goal in mind, Senjen just had to keep a cool head and get them there. The Human asked about the soldiers, and he did not think it made sense to let them die for no reason. “Yes, but we don’t linger.” Senjen answered. He quickly went back to the doorway, not quite revealing himself from cover, but shouting back to the soldiers. “Fall back!” Immediately, Senjen pushed back towards the front to lead the way down the stairs. He was still responsible for carrying the old woman, so he had to take the repeater in one hand. It was a cumbersome weapon obviously designed to be held in two, but it was also designed for an organic. For limitations he did not have. He could point it forward and lock his arm at the elbow to manage the recoil. “They can catch up, watch our back. We move.” With all the extra mass Senjen was carrying around with him, he decided to walk with magnetic locks rather than float for the moment, so it would be easier to shift his momentum quickly. For now, he started to push forward down the stairwell, towards the garage.