In about an hour, both the farmer and the priest were in the church, ready to go. Kyle had a large pack, which he swung over his shoulder, while Patrick only had a spade, obviously carried as a weapon. He didn't seem very practiced with it in a fight. The trek to the spot where Patrick first discovered the dark slush was about half an hour from the village, across a few fields and a brook. After a little orienting himself, he found the bushes he remembered. And, true enough, near those bushes in a small crevice in the rock, there was the stinky black material. The farmer didn't even say anything, just pointed at it. Using the tools he brought, and with the help of the other two, the cleansing ritual went without any problems. The dark goo cleared into water and slowly seeped down, leaving only the memory of it. The priest then pointed in the direction they came from, drew an imaginary line, and then pointed in its direction if it continued: west. [color=fff79a]"I would guess the source of this is further west from here. However, we are not warriors, so we won't continue from here. If you want to discover more, you'll need to get closer to the Crags, and you'll need either an army or a good tracker to stay alive there. Let's return home now, and have a full dinner. An empty stomach is a bad councelor, as the saying goes."[/color]