[center][h3][color=#bdb76b]Keirthanil[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [color=#bdb76b]"I don't know that anyone would ever accuse a Dunmer of having an [i]active[/i] heart, yes,"[/color] Keirthanil replied drily, waving Rela off as he continued along towards the Argonian. [color=#bdb76b]"Keep your ears open, and find me some tools. A good alembic, at the very least."[/color] He sauntered nonchalantly up towards where the supposed-mage sat, a studiously disinterested eye picking up what details he could of the book or the papers strewn about at a glance. The lizard was in for a possibly terrible day; more than anything else, he was the simplest target, whether skilled or not. Edging out the other alchemists would take time and materials, regardless of any shows of comparative skill that could be arranged. The enchanter, regardless of their ability, would be harder to deal with given that they had an evidently profitable partnership with the smith next to them. Breaking up a business relationship like that was not the easiest task. Likely, even, for the small group of Blades to sustain a loss if they weren't careful about it, and their business wasn't the sort that could afford such losses up front in the hopes of long-term gain. [color=#bdb76b]"Slow day? Sometimes it seems that these Redguards are as bad as Nords when it comes to appreciating any clever craft that they can't eat, drink, or swing around."[/color] He glanced down at the desk, much more openly this time. [color=#bdb76b]"Do they at least have a decent library here? I find the utility of Camilonwe's works is rather limited without a wider breadth against which to cross-reference—beyond, even, what he himself suggested."[/color]