[center][h3][color=gold]Alexander[/color] and [color=D0B4EC]Charlotte[/color] Part 2[/h3][/center] [color=lightgray] [color=D0B4EC]Time:[/color] 11am Sola 28 [color=gold] Location: [/color] Art gallery [color=D0B4EC] Mention:[/color] [@Tae] Mina [hr] [Color=gold]“I asked you about it because you'll definitely need it if you continue on the path you were warned not to take… Pancakes at the Park.”[/color] He spoke to her softly to avoid any prying ears. [Color=gold]“You’re brave for sticking with your delving, but you're also miserably unprepared.”[/color] Alexander pulled her along, continuing into the Reflections of Reverie section. [color=D0B4EC][i]Is he... Is he the man that was behind the tree?[/i][/color] Charlotte blinked, noticeably caught off guard. She stumbled along after him as he pulled her into the next room. Her heart pounded, but she forced herself to keep her expression still, if only barely. A shaky breath left her lips before she pressed on, her voice quieter now. [color=D0B4EC]“You say I’m unprepared, that I’ll need magic. But tell me, Alexander—what exactly is on this path that I am moving toward?”[/color] He glanced at her and kept moving until he stopped in front of a portrait on the darkened side of the room. He remained quiet as he stared at the portrait’s oblong shapes and cool mixture of color palettes. [Color=gold]“The worst things await you, Charlotte. As you are now, the worst things you could imagine…”[/color] He shook his head, as if disturbed by his own thoughts on what could occur. [Color=gold]“I’m sure you're aware of who I am, and that you might consider me far from an ally, but you couldn't be more wrong. There's little I can tell you but… I need you… and you need me, Charlotte.”[/color] Charlotte stood frozen for a moment, her pulse roaring in her ears. His words lingered in the air between them, heavy with implication. A chill danced down her spine, but she carefully reminded herself that perhaps that was the sole point of this conversation. Calbert had warned her that he wanted to scare them all as punishment after all. Her gaze flickered to the painting he had chosen—a scene cloaked in shadow, hues of deep blues and grays blending into something almost formless. An abstract reflection of something just beyond understanding. Something about it all ignited a spark of anger inside her. [color=D0B4EC]“Need?”[/color] she echoed softly, tilting her head ever so slightly, studying him as much as the portrait. [color=D0B4EC]“That is a powerful word, Mr. Deacon. And you strike me as a man who chooses his words carefully.”[/color] He titled his head slightly at what she said. She allowed the pause to settle between them before stepping closer, her voice quiet, almost delicate. [color=D0B4EC]“What is it that you think [i]I[/i] need?”[/color] Her brows furrowed, [color=D0B4EC]“Because if it's a mysterious warning paired with vague existential dread, that’s not what I need right now.”[/color] She exhaled sharply, her blue eyes meeting his with sharp curiosity and something else—[i]challenge[/i]. [color=D0B4EC]“Or rather… what is it that [i]you[/i] need from me?”[/color] Their eyes pierced into each other’s but Alexander lacked the vigor in his expression. Charlotte's challenge pushed against a solid wall of poised calm. [Color=gold]“You ask that as if you're insignificant. As if you haven't drawn the attention of the most dangerous organization in this city because of what you've been up to, Charlotte.”[/color] His eyelids dropped slightly as he took a step closer to her. Charlotte took a step back instinctively as he stepped closer, her brows knitting together as her gaze dropped in thought. [Color=gold]“I want you to help me get rid of the man at the top. And to that, you need to keep digging… Wulfric is a powerful ally but you won't get anywhere far with the group you've assembled. We all want something similar after all. We're just simply on opposite sides of the fence, yes?”[/color] [color=D0B4EC]“... What have I done to warrant their attention? …”[/color] she murmured, almost to herself, as if turning the question over in her mind. Then, lifting her eyes to meet his with quiet scrutiny, she added just as softly—[color=D0B4EC]“...To warrant… yours?”[/color] He spoke as if she had already begun digging—as if she had unearthed something of value. But she hadn’t even lifted the shovel from the dirt. And yet, somehow, the ground beneath her feet had already shifted. [color=D0B4EC]“If you’re here offering guidance if you’re truly looking for an ally, then tell me—”[/color] she hesitated for just a heartbeat before finishing, [color=D0B4EC]“What will you provide me in turn? Because what I want is the truth. ”[/color] [Color=gold]“The truth…”[/color] He whispered her words. Then, more like an afterthought, she asked, [color=D0B4EC]“Tell me Alexander, what is it you fear I’ll find buried?”[/color] [Color=gold]“Charlotte. Calm yourself. We're in public.”[/color] He said quietly [color=gold]“I’ll answer your questions. Just…”[/color] Alexander felt a familiar chill wash over him. [Color=Violet][I]Another wench of yours has entered. The red-head. Alone too.[/I][/color] Eri informed. [Color=gold]“I’m not your enemy. Now, into the answers to your questions. The truth. You and your associates recently held a meeting under your roof, correct? How I know this is probably what's bothering you but I will get to that soon. You're looking into things that [I]my[/I] associates don't want you looking into. They want to put an end to your meetings so they may protect their operations and dealings in Sorian. Keeping such things hidden allows for them to run smoothly.”[/color] Alexander put up two fingers. [Color=gold]“Now for the second question… Besides your grace and beauty, what you're doing may benefit me in replacing Marek Delronzo and give me an opportunity to change the playing field. Unlike myself, good deeds to him are just a means to an end. Charlotte, there are bad men. There are evil men. And there's [I]him[/I]. You are simply the enemy of my enemy and one who I know wouldn't be the spy amongst your little group… club?”[/color] Alexander shrugged, not caring what she considered them. He lifted a third finger. [Color=Violet][I]Three fingers, Alexander? Oooh I knew she was looser than she looked... By the way, your payment is due.[/I][/color] [Color=gold]“Three… I'll feed my organization false information to keep them off you but your group creates an issue with me doing so. There will be problems if the spy amongst you contradicts me. One time, is misinformation. A second time is disinformation. So until you fix the plumbing in your group, I can't risk that. However…”[/color] He looked around to make sure he was not in earshot. [Color=gold]“I can offer you a book of magic to assist you in uncovering more if Delronzo’s dealings… That's if you wish to continue on this path you put yourself on. There is the option of quitting entirely.”[/color] He sighed. Alexander couldn't believe Charlotte asked him four questions. He raised up a fourth finger. [Color=gold]“Four. I don't fear what you'll find. I'm just warning you of what may happen in your attempt to find it without [I]real[/I] help.”[/color] Charlotte folded her arms as she commented with a sigh. [color=D0B4EC]“ And informing me of the spy’s identity would be too simple.”[/color] She took her time digesting all that had been said, tapping her foot every so often before she conceded smoothly, [color=D0B4EC]“Very well then.”[/color] [Color=gold]“I don't know their identity, that's a problem we both share. That person doesn't report to me. If I knew, I’d tell you and then it would be as simple as excluding them from your circle.”[/color] Alexander commented. [Color=gold]“The best guess I could make on the individual is that they're newly acquainted. Rules out Smithwood, at least.”[/color] He gave her a nod. [Color=gold]“Now. Your turn to lead the way. That was a lot to take in and I would much rather you enjoy this time, at least a little.”[/color] His expression softened as he waved his hand for her to proceed. Charlotte’s fingers curled ever so slightly before she released a breath, steadying herself. The weight of their conversation clung to her, yet she did not allow it to settle visibly upon her features. Instead, she lifted her chin, meeting his gaze with a look of practiced poise, one befitting the lady her mother had diligently raised her as. [color=D0B4EC]“How generous of you to be so considerate of my enjoyment,”[/color] she murmured, touched with the faintest trace of something wry. Then, as though she had only just made up her mind, she took a step forward, tilting her head toward him in invitation. [color=D0B4EC]“Come this way,”[/color] And without waiting for his response, she turned, leading him deeper into the gallery. She approached the [i]Mirror of Perception[/i] exhibit, the room shifting into something almost otherworldly in its silent intensity. Though there were others scattered about, this room felt set apart, tucked away from the rest of the revelry. Charlotte’s steps slowed as the warped reflections flickered around them. The glass rippled with warped silhouettes, bending her form in unnatural ways as she slowly stepped about the room, observing as her frame elongated, and shrunk, the glass twisting her limbs into grotesque imitations of herself. She finally stopped just before the largest mirror, its eerie depth swallowing the light. The world around her seemed to narrow as her gaze bore into the reflection. [color=D0B4EC][i]A wiry thing with the eyes of a deer about to be hit by a carriage.[/i][/color] At first, it was just her—a slight distortion here, a shimmer there—but then, for the briefest of moments, something flickered. A smile that was not hers. It was only for a breath of a moment, gone as quickly as it came. And yet, the weight of it lingered, sinking deep into her stomach. She willed away the tremor of unease that had been shooting through her spine. A trick of the mind. That was all. She turned to Alexander, her expression composed once more. [color=D0B4EC]“It’s remarkable, isn’t it? The way our own minds can deceive us…”[/color] She gestured toward the mirror. [color=D0B4EC]“Care to see what it makes of you?”[/color] [Color=gold]“It’ll be interesting to find out.”[/color] He answered with a grin. Unfortunately before he could step forth, Eri beckoned him. [Color=Violet][I]Not! One! Step! Alexander, I have figured out what I want my payment to be and you better give it to me for all I’ve done. To have me play look-out and spot your ugly little whores.[/I][/color] Her screeching had not stopped him, however. Alexander kept up his appearance, though slightly delayed. He walked forth, stepping toward the large mirror. [Color=Violet][I]You test me… bastard. Just you wait.[/I][/color] Eri threatened. Continuing to ignore his needy familiar, Alexander took in his warped appearance. [Color=gold]“It [I]is[/I] remarkable…[/color] He commented as he watched his reflection morph strangely until he saw not himself but… [I]him[/I]? Staring back at Alexander was none other than Duke Lorenzo Vikena with an unsettling close-mouthed grin on his face and a pale decrepit look to him. Alexander’s lips parted, truly taken off guard by Lorenzo’s disturbing appearance in place of his own reflection. Despite wanting to look away, he couldn't bring himself to turn his face from Lorenzo's ghastly visage. [Color=gold][I]What the fuck is this?![/I][/color] Alexander thought as Lorenzo's grin widened to an inhuman extent. The corner of his lips raised up toward his eyes as if the skin on his face were made of wrinkled puddy. Alexander ground his teeth as he attempted to look from the mirror but all that changed was Lorenzo's grin that continued to grow, contorting his face now. Alexander couldn't look away from it! He couldn't shut his eyes to it! But then a single voice broke him from his nightmare. [Color=Violet][I]Alexander… my payment.[/I][/color] [Color=gold][I]What? What?! What do you want?! Is this your doing?![/I][/color] [Color=Violet][I]Take the ribbon from Charlotte’s hair and snap it in front of her.[/I][/color] [Color=gold][I]That's it?[/I][/color] [Color=Violet][I]Just do it. Don't question me, filthy blood-drinker.[/I][/color] [color=D0B4EC]“Are you alright, Alexander?”[/color] Charlotte’s voice, soft yet resolute, broke through the moment. She stepped closer, her perplexion evident. Alexander turned to face her but he appeared to be regaining his composure from what he may have saw in the mirror. He shook his head and readjusted his clothing before giving Charlotte a mild grimace. [Color=gold]“N- I’ll be fine. I just didn't particularly enjoy seeing my reflection do that… May we perhaps, sit down somewhere, please?”[/color] Alexander asked politely Charlotte cast a thoughtful glance toward the entryway, [color=D0B4EC]“I do believe there is a lounge we can use for a reprieve…”[/color] A flicker of curiosity crossed her mind—had he, too, witnessed something as unnerving as the sight that lingered in her thoughts? She quickly dismissed the notion, deciding it mattered not. [color=D0B4EC]“This way,”[/color] she instructed as she led him into the adjacent room: the Ivory Lounge. As Alexander trailed behind her, his eyes remained fixed on the item Eri prized so much at the moment. A ribbon. A ribbon of all things. Something so mundane that mattered little if it were ruined but Alexander was too stuck on the reasoning for such a mischievous act. He could do while Charlotte still had her back to him but he couldn't further her impression of him. If anything, he needed a recovery. Behind that Charlotte's display of grace hid doubt and suspicion, and Alexander would be a fool not to think otherwise. [/color]