[h2]Fighter's Guild[/h2] The woman lets out a chuckle when Brulhaus presents the flyer, shaking her head. “We [i]all[/i] recognised you. I was even in the Arena for that last fight. “But that [i]is[/i] the problem that the Guild finds itself in,” she almost immediately sobers up, “While it is reassuring that you wish to join, let me be blunt: all of you, as a whole, are [i]too good[/i]. Brulhaus is an Arena grand champion. Even now, High Rock's knights are a familiar enough sight we can spot a questing squire a mile off, and you,” at this she looked at Colcette, “Clearly aren't. I might not recognise what orders the other two belong to, but neither of you hold yourselves like someone playing dress-up on Daddy's Septim.” She folds her arms and sighs, “Normally, anyone who joins would at least spend [i]some[/i] time doing the simple jobs until we could trust them to take on something more important, or sensitive. Sending [i]any[/i] of you to do pest control would be an insult, but we can't trust you not to undercut us if left independent.” A young man, hovering by the door until this point, comes through with a sheaf of paper. “So, the guildmaster has tasked [i]me[/i] with accompanying you on your first jobs. We've had a request for an expedition lined up for a Dwemer ruin out in the Alik'r for a while, and you [i]might[/i] be the free muscle we need to embark.” [hr] [h2]Market[/h2] The Argonian looks up, surprise across… his face? Ah, seems like a "his", although it can be hard to tell with them. Still, he recovers quickly, and gives a half-hearted shrug. “If there was a good library, business would be better, no? More appreciation for the arcane. And less trouble when you read something of actual [i]worth.[/i]” The sharp teeth of a lizard's smile is never a particularly [i]friendly[/i] thing. “The guards don't like it if they think you [i]might[/i] summon daedra in the market. Now, what can I do for you?”