"You needn't worry about imposing. Reality itself bends to my whim. Even your most outrageous request would be a trifling matter to me." Luka explained. "Regardless, I appreciate your offer of assistance. I'll be sure to take you up on that offer should ever I have need of your talents... Now then, I do believe I have all I need to make a start on your living arrangements." Luka held out his upturned palm and flexed his will power. A moment later, a Master Ball from the Pokémon game franchise appeared in his hand. "In here, you will find an endless expanse of pine tree forest suspended in perpetual night." Luka stated. "Currently I have a full moon providing a little light in there, but I can turn it down if you desire. As for people, you'll find no one else save yourself in there, though I can add wildlife and the occasional tourist if you'd like me to. I would also be dropping in every so often to check up on you as well."