[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WVq7Llm.png[/img] [color=59849f][h2]Amerigo Spadoni[/h2][/color] [color=50849f]Nordor, Golden Grape Fields[/color] [@AWildSquirtle][@Estylwen] [/center] [hr] [color=50849f]"Ah, were we so obvious?"[/color] a breezy smirk asked in response, stemming from the taller of the two men on horseback, mop of silver hair touched lightly by threads of wine-scented wind as he rode close quite well enough. The two representatives had been given their favor to do with all urgency the good Countess had left to muster, and left swiftly that night, the barely-contained scarlet blaze still at their backs. [color=50849f]"We were in quite a hurry after all the time at sea, that much is to be sure. How does this day find you, my friend?"[/color] In truth, the fast tracks they'd made had probably not been the best for Aubri's condition— the older man from the Republic hadn't said much on the way, at least by Amerigo's measure. Part of him had believed that the bearer of the Letter was simply settling into the new air in his lungs, but maybe he was putting on a braver face than the swordsman had first believed. What a shame that was, too... the rolling hills and verdant fields of wine country this time of year were some of the most storied landscapes to find one's way through that any country had to offer, let alone one so ravaged by war and upheaval as this one. The golden grapes of Nordor had a reputation that preceded them well, the sweet taste on the sun-kissed wind sparking a dreamlike glow to the fields and a playful, creative mind's eye— ample precursor to the boons of drinking the wine they bore. Between that and the picturesque, pristine vistas one rode through in getting here, and Amerigo found it little surprise that these fields were so treasured by patrons of the arts. Even in the Republic, in the captain's quarters of [i]many[/i] a ship he'd sworn protection to for a voyage, there was never a canvas awash in the greens of the vine, the golds of the grapes, and the vibrant blues of the open Nordor sky very far from view. Perhaps it spoke in part to their mission here that their employers sought slices of such splendor from afar— and their interest in keeping an eye on where they were forged, in keeping such a relationship fruitful. Pardoning the pun. He eased his horse to a stop, reaching over to Aubri's reins to ensure his steed wouldn't stray too far while they spoke to the sharp-eyed farmhand. With his free hand, covered his heart and inclined his head, almost passing for genteel in spite of humor in his eyes— that of a child coyly letting you in on a secret joke. [color=50849f]"Charmed, sir, either way. [i]Ma chiamo[/i] Amerigo. We're on our way to meet a friend of a friend— a mutual acquaintance of ours told us she's been having trouble with a rough crowd recently— hoped we could see to it that she knows she's safe, while we're out here seeing the sights."[/color] The sword on his hip gleamed hungrily in the sheath, having never been quite so far from the sea in its life before. Brief pleasantries were fine for the better rider of the two to handle, most likely, and as the hired protection there was ssome assumed level of being the one who handled day-to-day interactions with common folk— But Amerigo was also no fool, despite how he allowed the man with the hoe what likely amounted to a wink-and-nudge as his cover story. At the very least, he would draw this out until he had given Aubri ample time to collect himself and set the tone for what they truly wanted to give away. As the man with the diplomatic schooling, surely his charge had also read the quick identification, knowing wink, and sure feet the man before them had offered as well as Amerigo himself— whatever had seen him take this role in this place, the man they beheld was far from common. His gaze was too sharp, his mind too schooled. Just as he could taste a wonderful fantasy on the passing wind, Amerigo could taste the poise from this figure before him— He did not hail from so small a world as his tool suggested. [color=50849f]"Tell me. Has there been much trouble about the fields these days?"[/color]