[h2][color=Maroon]Konrad Louffen and Marius Panayi[/color][/h2]* [@TokyoPewPew] As Colonel van der Szaalm arrived at the modest manor house that was currently acting as the Headquarters for their movement, he passed a number of pieces of captured Imperial sakers arranged neatly outside and guarded by red uniformed men of the Imperial guard. There was ongoing debate over whether it was wise to use the cannon. Yes, they were fearsome and potentially demoralising, but they required a considerable amount of powder to be used to good effect, and supplies of powder were not as plentiful as most of the common soldiers believed. The manor itself was modest - the seat of a country lordling rather than a place for an Empress... but it was a far step up from the farmhouse they had plucked Ariana Hasikos from. The girl had the blood of Emperors but she was more used to selling pigs at the market than noble dances. Perhaps unsurprisingly, when the Colonel was ushered into the drawing room, he was greeted by Payani and General Louffen. The Lady Ariana was not to be seen, though doubtless she would appear shortly. "Good morrow Captain," Payani greeted him, "I hope you and your men have rested well after the battle?" "Good morrow," Louffen mirrored the merchant's greeted, doffing his hat politely, and giving him before proceeding straight to business, "We had been hoping, Sir, that you might be able to give your opinion on a matter. Mister Payani is of the opinion we should march on Inbur itself, with all haste. I am of the opinion that we should consolidate our forces in the countryside before moving against the forces in the city. As an experienced soldier, what would be your preferred course of action?"