[hr] [h1]Ruined Inn[/h1] [hr] ---Huh? I can hear something. It's barely audible, but it's certainly there. Despite how difficult it is to hear it, I can still pinpoint exactly where it's coming from, too. The basement. Of course. I'm an elf now. I guess these long, pointy ears aren't just for show, are they? I guess it's true that being able to heard better is usually a trait of elves, but I hadn't even thought about it until just now. Suddenly being a girl in a fantasy world and having to deal with a dead body kind of took all of my attention. Putting all of that aside, there's definitely something down in the basement. I can't make out what, but even with the improved hearing of an elf I doubt I'd hear it if it was just rats or some other vermin skittering around down there. Or maybe I would, but it doesn't sound like that. It's something bigger, at least. ---Those shambling figures outside among the barricades and ruined storefront. That'd mean it's probably--- Wait, why does the doll girl want me to hold still? "E-eh?" I look back over my shoulder in time for her to reach around my body and place her jointed fingers directly onto my staff. I've been clinging tightly to it this whole time, trying to distract myself from the corpse in the room, and now she's trying to--- No, she's not trying to steal it. She's just touching it. ---I don't really know why, though. Did she have to get so close to do this? She's practically pressing up against me. She might be a doll, but she's a girl, isn't this awkward for her? Erk, I gues it's not like she knows that I wasn't always like this, but still---This proximity is really a lot. Is this just how it is for girls? Somehow I can't imagine that's usually the case. Aaah, damn it, my cheeks are definitely getting a little hot, I'm not used to being so close to [i]anyone[/i]. Did she seriously have to--- "Hyek!?" An involuntary noise leaves my lips when her hand pats my stomach. Okay, that's really uncalled for, what is she doing?! I look back over my shoulder, my cheeks now quite a bit hotter. ---Ah. This... this is worse. Her hands have left my stomach, but now they're running over my pointed ears. I can immediately feel them flush, my heartbeat rapidly quickening as my entire face starts to burn. Ah... aah... Why? Why is she doing this? Why is she touching them? Stroking them? That scene from Elf Mage comes into sharp focus in my mind. When Sephily's ears were touched like this by Milta, it was--- Is this what that was meant to be like!? Even aside from that, who just played with someone's ears out of no-where?! What's wrong with this girl?! And why do my ears have to be so sensitive?! Aah, just the way her fingertips went over them sent a tingle up my spine, that's definitely not okay! Maybe I should have expected this, but why did I need to be prepared to have my ears molested within less then an hour of waking up as the opposite sex and an entirely different race?! Is this sort of thing just okay where she came from!? I hope not! Why does it have to be so tingly?! "Wh-wh-wh-what are you doing?!" I try to step away as fast as I can and turn to face her. I know my face and ears have to be bright red. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Rune_Alchemist][@Crimson Paladin]