The soldiers currently holding down the kitchen were high quality; loyal to a fault, brave and well trained. If no order had come for them to fall back, they would have held their positions either until they’d emerged victorious or been wiped out. When the order did come, they retreated in good order, covering each other as the droids crept forward. The leader reached the door last, covered from the doorway. One of the patrons tried to run for it too but was shot twice in the back. The droid across the way floated back into atrium-space, heading over to the booths occupied by some of the last patrons on the top floor. With the deafening sounds of battle below them, they were blissfully aware of the heavily armed killer wafting towards them. The staircase descended anti-clockwise around a solid central pillar like ancient fortifications, so Senjen’s right side was opened up. Unlike castles, it was wide enough for four humans to pass each other at the same time. The boss shouted “Follow us!” as they began descending. Perhaps he was sheepish for not taking the initiative before. Though it wasn’t like the soldiers could easily disengage; the droids were right behind them. Light stuck close to Senjen, pistol at the ready as they hurried downwards. After six turns they could see an identical lobby to the one they’d just been in. Except this time there was blood smeared all over the floor and the left hand door into the offices was propped open by a dead woman.