[CENTER][h1][color=79519a][b] H A W K E Y E [/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/-1599575214146.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&fit=bounds&quality=70&format=jpg&auto=webp[/img][CENTER][/CENTER][h3][sup][sub][color=darkgray][color=79519a][b]Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton[/b][/color] [color=black] ♦ [/color] [b][color=79519a]Ex-Avenger[/color][/b] [color=black] ♦ [/color] [b][color=79519a]Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York City[/color][/b][/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=5f68ab][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3] [b]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/b][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][color=79519a][sup]"Okay..."[/sup][/color] [color=5f68ab][sub]"This looks bad."[/sub][/color][/CENTER] [QUOTE][INDENT][INDENT][i][color=918e8e]A carnie-turn-vigilante, Clint Barton was a criminal from a broken home before the intervention of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. Given a second chance, Hawkeye became perhaps the most peculiar member of the Avengers - one with no superhuman abilities or equipment. Armed chiefly with nothing more than a bow and arrow, Hawkeye made a name for himself as an ordinary human fighting in league with gods and monsters. He's been a member of the core team, a West Coast Avenger, a Secret Avenger, and a Thunderbolt. He's been Hawkeye, Ronin, and Goliath. He's had as many ill-fated love affairs as he's had bloodbound nemeses. But none of this storied history matters to the decidedly mortal Clint Barton now. His own mundanity has caught up with him. Profoundly deaf in one ear, and partially deaf in another, he came to a mutual agreement with the Avengers to leave the team. There was arguing - mostly from his teammates - but in his mind, the world has quickly begun to outpace him. Clint is getting older, and mankind's many common enemies seem to be sharper and more powerful by the day. If even the mighty Thor and incredible Hulk can be brought to their knees by these terrible foes, what's a deaf guy with a bow going to do about it? Henceforth, Hawkeye is now the civilian Clint Barton. He's not a superhero, and he sure as hell isn't an Avenger anymore. The closest he gets to superherodom is taking a look at leaks and faulty TV dishes for the good people in his apartment building. However tempting that bow and arrow is. ...Well, maybe just one quick draw of the bowstring for old times' sake... [/color][/i][/indent][/indent][/QUOTE] [COLOR=79519a][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][color=lightgray]My goal is to tell a deeply personal, character-driven story about depression, imposter syndrome, and the power an ordinary person has to change the world around them for the better. I do not intend to belittle, mock, or make a joke out of the character of Hawkeye. I think, especially in Fraction's run, that Clint is a deeply compelling character, and the fact that he shines in a world flush with wacky superheroes and larger than life, ostentatious personas is a testament to that. He's a human, like any of us: He bleeds like a human, but he fights like a human. He faces a world much bigger than him, filled with danger and wonder and terror, like we all do, and chooses to stand up to it. Clint will struggle with feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing throughout his time in [i]Streets of New York,[/i] and will hit some low lows, but without a doubt I intend for his story to be an optimistic, humanist one. He will learn the value he has as a person, the value of the connections he forms, and the power he has as an individual - even if he isn't swinging Odin's hammer or building suits of sci-fi armour. Even on the days he doesn't even feel like getting out of bed in the morning - and there will be a lot of those days - he'll struggle against the weight of hopelessness to make sure he does at least one good thing. And if that one good thing happens to be knocking together the heads of some Maggia goons, then so be it. [/color][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=79519a][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][color=lightgray][list]►[u] Hawkeye's Bow and Arrow Quiver[/u] The signature. Iron Man has his armour, Captain America has his shield, Thor has his hammer. Hawkeye has his bow. A custom-made, heavy-duty compound bow made of reinforced fibreglass. It does exactly what one would expect a bow to do: Insert the business end of an arrow hard and fast into the targeted surface. Where it truly earns a superheroic edge is with Clint's many [b]"trick arrows".[/b] For when a regular old arrowhead doesn't do the job, Clint's ingenuity has led to the creation of a variety of specialised arrows for specialised jobs. These include: [color=918e8e][sub] ► [b]Sonic Arrow:[/b] [i]A blunt arrow that unleashes a continuous, blaring, high-pitched squeal upon impact.[/i] ► [b]Smokebomb Arrow:[/b] [i]A blunt arrow that spews a cloud of thick smoke upon impact.[/i] ► [b]Bola Arrow:[/b] [i]A tool as old as the bow, the bola is a throwing weapon made of three weights and interconnected cords, which quickly wraps around and ensares a target when thrown. This is that in an arrow. [/i] ► [b]Net Arrow:[/b] [i]Like the bola arrow, but trades speed and precision for area of effect. An arrow that releases a ten foot wide cable net from the end of its blunt arrowhead.[/i] ► [b]Electric Arrow:[/b] [i]An arrow equipped with a taser on its blunt arrowhead.[/i] ► [b]Flare Arrow:[/b] [i]A blunt arrow containing a magnesium compound which ignites on impact.[/i] ► [b]Stun Arrow:[/b] [i]Continuing the trend of blunt arrowheads, the stun arrow is like an airborne punch. When there cannot be any risk of lethality.[/i] ► [b]Boomerang Arrow:[/b] [i]A variant of the stun arrow which returns to sender.[/i] ► [b]Explosive Arrow:[/b] [i]The big one. Highly inadvisable for use in crowded or civilian scenarios. An arrow containing plastic explosive in a blunt arrowhead that detonates on impact. Whereas Hakweye usually carries multiple copies of his trick arrows, he only carries a single explosive arrow.[/i] ► [b]Arrow:[/b] [i]A not-blunt arrowhead. This one just shoots things.[/i] [/sub][/color][/list] [list]►[u]Skills and Attributes[/u] Naturally, Clint has [b]unparalleled aim.[/b] His [b]reflexes, eyesight and hand-to-eye coordination[/b] are like nothing else, to say nothing of his proficiency with his tool of choice. His [b]senses[/b] are at the height of human ability - he has, in the past, smelled out enemies based on the faintest whiff of incense on them and managed to aim perfectly in the dark. Clint is a [b]master archer,[/b] and practices two hours every day to hone and refine his skills. Clint's level of [b]physical fitness borders on Olympian[/b], keeping his body at the peak of what is possible for an unenhanced human. Of special note is his [b]agility and flexibility,[/b] allowing him to perform a variety of stunning acrobatic manoeuvres. He is also a [b]well-trained martial artist,[/b] and can hold his own in fistfights. He is [b]proficient with a variety of other weapons,[/b] as well - of note is his [b]swordsmanship,[/b] which he receieved tutelage in from the legendary Swordsman. He can also make use of [b]improvised weapons,[/b] and is capable of throwing small objects like cards and coins at sufficient speeds to act as projectiles. Clint's proficiency with his hand-to-eye coordination also makes him an [b]excellent pilot and driver.[/b] Clint is [b]profoundly deaf[/b] in one ear and partially deaf in the other. Though he uses hearing aids to compensate to some degree, he has learned [b]ASL to communicate[/b] where sound fails.[/list] [list]►[u]Dramatis Personae[/u] [i]Friends[/i] [color=red]Tony Stark[/color] - Billionaire genius behind the Iron Man and founding member of the Avengers. Declined to appear any further when he found out it was street level. [color=5f68ab]Kate Bishop[/color] - Also Hawkeye, at times. Massively fumbled by Marvel Boy. [color=fdc68a]Lucky the Pizza Dog[/color] - He's Lucky the Pizza Dog. Good friends with Jeff the Land Shark. [i]Foes[/i] [color=fff79a]Madame Masque[/color] - Heiress to Count Nefaria's fortune in Brooklyn. Has an unhealthy fixation with Tony Stark, perhaps because he also at times has a metal face. [color=ec008c]Kingpin[/color] - The self-described head honcho of crime in New York. Has his meaty fingers in every pie in Manhattan, which is a mental image as disturbing as his ruthless tactics. [color=2e3192]Hammerhead[/color] - The (literally) hardheaded bigwig of the underworld in Queens. [color=00a651]The Owl[/color] - A ruthless crime lord who Clint would contest is not named for his wisdom. [color=92278f]The Circus of Crime[/color] - The rather uncreatively named criminal circus who dazzle and embezzle their crowd. [/list][/color] [COLOR=79519a][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][HIDER=TANK!][INDENT][INDENT] [color=red][i]"Clint - New model to send you off. All the best - you know where to find me."[/i][/color] [i][sup][color=918e8e]- Tony[/color][/sup][/i] Clint slid the business end of the butterknife across the thin strip of tape holding the package shut. It didn't come away easy. There was a bit of yanking involved, maybe some wrenching. It wasn't pretty. But eventually, cardboard gave way to Clint, and out sprang the goods from their tightly sealed tomb. Two matching purple hearing aids, wrapped in clear plastic and nestled in a bed of bubble wrap. He took the plastic in his hand, which mercifully tore open with far less effort required. One had an L on the inside for left - the other an R, for right. They slipped over his ears with ease, given they'd been built with his measurements in mind. Two receivers fit snugly inside. With them both in place, Clint held his breath. He couldn't immediately hear anything new. Nothing had begun to make a noise since his hearing had started to go downhill, which was a good sign. He didn't wanna have to go forking out for a new fridge, or to fix a rattling pipe. [color=79519a]"Not so bad-"[/color] He caught himself. Wow, that was loud. Was that the volume he always murmured to himself at? That was useless. That wasn't a murmur. That was a proclamation. Geez, that was awkward. All the times he was sure he'd silently muttered something under his breath only to get a wicked death stare suddenly made sense. He'd lost track of the proper volume to speak and whisper at, after all this time. "All units be advised, 211 in progress on Monroe Street..." One sound he didn't think he'd hear again. Have to hear again, more like. He thought he'd tossed that police scanner last week. And another sound, this one more chilling. A quaint midi-recreation of AC/DC's seminal rock hit Back in Black, the ringtone Tony had set for himself when he had set up Clint's phone for him. That same phone buzzed ominously on the countertop, compelling Clint to pick it up and swipe to accept the call. An action he found himself carrying out despite his overwhelming urge to avoid conversation with everyone in particular today. [color=red]"Hey, Clint. Hear me alright?"[/color] [color=79519a]"Hey, Tony. Yeah, I can hear you. Uh...Thanks."[/color] Clint shuffled over to the kitchen window, leaning against the radiator beneath the sill for some heat in the chilly morning. [color=red]"Don't mention it. Medical tech is great press. Listen..."[/color] Clint grimaced, knowing what was coming next. [color=5f68ab]"You just wanted to see how things are going?"[/color] [color=red]"...More or less. Cap is, uh...Well, legally I'm not allowed to tell you what Cap's doing right now, but either way, he can't come ot the phone. Wanted me to drop you a line."[/color] [color=5f68ab]"Thanks to Cap, then."[/color] Deciding he was probably gloomy enough for the rest of the room, Clint tugged at the curtains to let a bit of sunlight in. [color=red]"Bad phrasing. I wanted to check in on you too. That was a pretty abrupt exit, even with all the NDAs and paperwork. You're really not coming back, huh?"[/color] [color=79519a]"No, Tony. It's...My decision, alright?"[/color] [color=red]"Your decision, huh?"[/color] Idly, Clint peered out the window at the street below. [color=79519a]"Yeah. We're not all made of metal. Sooner or later we've gotta know when to call time."[/color] [color=red]"...Alright. Look, if you need someone to...Y'know, talk to, I know a guy who was a big help to Bruce-"[/color] Wait a minute. Was that the goddamn Rhino? Charging down his street with the back of a cash van on his shoulders? Where was Monroe Street, again? [color=79519a]"Uh, yeah. Hold that thought. Um. Could you send that to me in a text?"[/color] [color=red]"Uh...Yeah, sure. Look, I might be a little hard to reach for a while-"[/color] [color=79519a]"Yeah, that's cool. Avengers stuff, right? Classified."[/color] Suit, suit, suit. Where was the suit? [color=red]"Yeah. So if I can do anything for you, now's the time to let me know-"[/color] Oh, god. No, no, no. No, that needed to be washed, or else set on fire. Jesus. [color=79519a]"A-OK, Tony. Trust me."[/color] Bow. Bow under the bed. Always under the bed. Quiver in the closet. Lucky in the middle of the goddamn floor again. [color=red]"Is someone holding you at gunpoint, Clint? I can hear you sweating."[/color] [color=79519a]"There's- Uh, I've got...A...Girl. Uh, over."[/color] Did his feet somehow get bigger or did these boots somehow shrink? [color=red]"Oh. Right. Well, I'll leave you two to it. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."[/color] [color=79519a]"Not really sure what that's excluding me from doing."[/color] [color=red]"Touché. Hey, take care of yourself, right?"[/color] [color=79519a]"Course. That's the point, Tony."[/color] The shirt would have to do. Rhino was breaking his ribs whether or not he wore the whole tactical getup anyways. [color=red]"See you around, Clint."[/color] Yeah, fat chance. Fire escape would be quicker. Bursting out the door and onto the grating, he couldn't stop to chat with any of the neighbours watching the carnage unfold. "Hey, it's-" [color=79519a]"Yeah, I know."[/color] "Hawkguy!" Clint sighed. [/indent][/indent][/HIDER]