Senjen was no longer rushing as quickly as possible, since the others behind him needed to keep pace with him. He was still responsible for carrying the old woman, despite not knowing what sort of a state she was in, nor did he have time to check. He did not actually use the stairs themselves, but rather moved up to walk high up on the outer wall of the staircase, with his weapon in his right hand and trained ahead as they moved down. With both together, his weapon would be ready and on-target at the earliest possible moment if they encountered any droids coming up from below. The more angles they took as they moved, the less of a chance they would get in each other’s way and block each other’s line of fire. In microgravity, any orientation was as easy as any other to reach, and Utaysi had no problem keeping their bearings regardless of how they were positioned. There was a door ahead, along with a casualty, but he could not stop to think about that. In fact, it seemed like a poor idea for them to stop for any reason. It was less than ideal that he was trying to lead the way without knowing his way around this building, though at least their attackers would have the same disadvantage. “How many floors down to the garage?” Senjen asked the Human man.