[color=003471][/color]Val bit the inside of his cheek, measuring the situation carefully. The Ghost Corps had their orders, he could trust them to get the fallaways out if push came to shove or to do their damnedest at least. Still, they needed more of an edge. The balance of power was just slightly in Savio's favor from what he could tell. Val's group had more Wilds on their side, but they also couldn't afford to lose any of their group to the rpgs pointed at them. When the strange Wild began to speak in their language, Mercy rumbled a rough translation for him, tinged with irritation at this offer of 'peace'. Val's brow furrowed at the creature's attempt to disguise such a turncoat act and realized perhaps it didn't know that some humans did understand their tongue at least enough to get the gist of what was being said. Could he trust this little Wild? Taking Savio out quickly might dissuade the bears and his own men from firing too hastily. From the change in Savio's body language, it seemed like that the man was also aware something strange was going on. "You should have picked your allies better Savio. The chatty one is trying to cut me the same deal I imagine he tried to cut you and Vinny," Val called out, "now, I've never been one to take the word of someone who bites their new friends in the ass... but I gotta admit it is tempting. Don't suppose you'd be willing to let us pass on by if we made the same offer and gave you the hearts of those two, right?" Val was buying just a few more seconds, hammering away at what he believed to be a wedge in their alliance. If this turned into a three way battle then all the better for him and the Umbrans. [color=2e3192]Mercy, any chance those Wilds are going to play nice?[/color] [color=9e0b0f]They serve the King. They will do his bidding or suffer his wrath. It would be better to devour them all.[/color] [color=2e3192]Noted. Are you ready then? Gloves off.[/color] The rumbling laughter and push against his psyche was all the answer Val needed. "Wren, buddy, I can't really give you orders, but try and protect the vehicles from those rpgs. -We- will handle Savio and the Wilds if necessary," Val whispered, just loud enough for Wren to hear him. "You know what, I think I've decided actually," Val called out, taking another step forward and rolling his neck. Val turned his eyes on Savio with a wide grin, "Savio old buddy, you win the jackpot." Val's eyes flashed to a molten mix of red and blue, swirling into purple as he felt the change start to take hold over his body. His voice dropped to the deep primal rumbling as he spoke, "We Will Show You MERCY!" Val's body warped, the transformation far faster since his duel with the general. Learning to go along with the change helped to accelerate it, made it less painful though the exhaustion would never truly fade. He went down on all fours, his form surging in size rapidly as dark armored plates slid into place over flesh reddened by the molten blood flowing through his veins. He let out a primal roar, a challenge to all who would seek to stop Mercy from feeding as he was finally due. Only his eyes gave any hint that Val was still inside this new monster, intelligent purple irises flicking between all parties to discover the first threat. [color=662d91]"Cabhrú linn nó fan amach de ár bealach dá leat mian an dubh croí chun stad a gcuid post. Do amháin eile rogha tá chun bheith ith le an scíthe!", [/color]Mercyval screamed out as it leapt to the attack. Mercy might never need to tell a lie, but Val had no issue lying to an enemy if it meant removing them from the board. For the first time, Val let Mercy off of his leash, trusting in the Wild to keep it's rampage to those who deserved it.