[center][h1][b]Iraleth Kyrios[/b][/h1][/center] At least Hildegunde was alive. A small, cold comfort, but one nonetheless. Iraleth nodded mutely to the professor and the doctor as she processed that information. Depending on how one looked at it, that was either a strike off of Ciara's ledger or another, lesser one. Rio's words had Iraleth biting her lip and looking away. How many times had she considered that already? It all looped back around to that. If Iraleth had taken the duel completely seriously from the beginning. If she hadn't given Ciara one last chance too many. And yet...was it right to consider mercy when it came at the risk of others? Not knowing Ciara was capable of the rampage she went on wasn't an excuse. Not for the guards' sake. Not for Hildegunde's. All of this was still on Ciara's head, of course. But Iraleth had indirectly enabled it. Compared to that, the mention of classes being adjusted was hardly worth mentioning. That was a given, considering the rings restricting their Essence usage at the moment. Well, her father always said she needed to be less dependent on her Ethos. Perhaps some time of hard training without having the Inheritor in her back pocket would do some good, if Alto resorted to self-study. She gave Michael a glare for his words, trying to see what reaction that would elict out of him. [i]Don't trust him.[/i] Whatever was going on, if he would make a move, it would have to be before the trial. This would be easier if she could at least share a carriage with the janitor during the trip. Damn Professor Alto's consideration. And speaking of, Iraleth wordlessly entered the carriage after Chloe once Ciara inquired as to Vaal Nero's judicial system, despite being the likely best person to answer that query. She had no desire to explain, not to her. Sitting across from the other half-elf, Iraleth reached to her sword belt and unslung her bastard sword's scabbard, drawing it slowly so as not to draw alarm, and proceeding to start to oil and whet it. If nothing was going to be taught during the carriage ride, she may as well do something productive with her time. And after everything yesterday, being around Ciara with a naked sword in hand wasn't the worst idea. [b]"And here I thought you'd be more energetic."[/b] Iraleth muttered across to Chloe, her tone stoic. Neutral. Controlled. [b]"Between yesterday and the day before. Before more people join us, what's your take on all of this?"[/b]