[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONd4lpK.png[/img][/center] [color=00F8FE]Time: 11am Location: Edin Theater Interactions: Wulfric [@Silverpaw]& Edin [@princess][/color] [hr] [color=9FA1A4][center][color=DDB775]"Finally! Something worth listening to out of your mouth, boy!"[/color][/center] [color=black][i][/i][/color] A voice proud and boastful filled Callum’s mind. The faintest crumb of praise was tossed his way. By Edin. Not even Cal could hide his shock. The familiar hopped over to the seat next to Callum, where it stayed content and still. [center][color=DDB775]“Tell me, son—does it bathe? Or is it filthy just like you?”[/color][/center] Edin returned to the expected responses. As discretely as he could, Cal attempted to sniff at himself but he had bathed today. Thoroughly, to ensure not a trace of ink from his spell remained on his skin. [color=00F8FE]“Good point. I will see to it that the monkey is bathed regularly.”[/color] He replied softly. But his head quickly snapped away from sniffing at himself when Edin agreed to let him keep the monkey. [color=00F8FE][i]That worked??[/i][/color] [color=black][i][/i][/color] The monkey did not wait for the mortal to slowly piece things together, it pulled the image of King George from the boy’s memories. [color=black][i][/i][/color] Clarence rewarded the witch’s obedience with clarity. [center][b][h3][color=DDB775]“A MASTERPIECE!”[/color][/h3][/b][/center] [color=black][i][/i][/color] Callum was caught between wanting to defend the touching performance and his disgust at the thought of agreeing with Edin. [center][color=DDB775]“I must have him at the banquet tonight! No—NO! [i]I MUST OWN HIM![/i]”[/color][/center] [color=black][i][/i][/color] [color=00F8FE]“A wonderful idea.”[/color] Callum offered. With a grin, he continued [color=00F8FE]“I must admit, a talented court jester makes an even more impressive pet than a monkey.”[/color] He almost felt bad about encouraging the idea and what it would mean for the dancer. The sentiment was quickly eased from his mind. As if carried away by a faint and imperceptible breeze. Clarence smiled, the taste of a bitter thought lingered on the familiar’s tongue after it had been devoured.[/color]