[h3]Deia[/h3] [@Quest Abandoner] & [@MacabreFox] [hr] [indent]Deia wore a lingering smirk as she took hold of the bosmer's bone flask. The texture a familiar thing, smooth yet weathered, ridges of age worn against it's surface. A comfort in her claw like grasp. The scent of the offering reached her nose, it exhaled out it's acrid steam from the rim, fermented beyond all reason. Her lips curled with the insult of it, and yet part of her was darkly amused by the audacity of the childlike bosmer who had handed it her way. The flask was hers now, whether she would drink it or not. "Perhaps this can melt the lock?" She said after a spell of silence illuminated by the eyes that may have been feeling morbidly curious about what would happen should she drink it. She might have spoken more, but her interest had slipped elsewhere. [b]Verena. [/b] She had been so quiet before, diminutive even. An afterthought in her games with Isai. Still, she was indeed those things but she had risen to at least some action. Not enough to be dangerous, not yet, but something crawled under Deia's skin, cold and hot all at once. Some kind of irritation that begged her to scratch and peel back; she moved forward in a quick fashion yet she appeared to still. A spectral figure in the flickering torchlight. She watched as a pink hue danced across the slant of Verena's cheek before withering away just as quick. Deia came closer than comfort allowed and her fingers drifted beside the woman's curls. Not a grip, not a tug... Simply a touch, and yet she had laced it with a hint of possession. The scent of roses struck her like a whisper from something long since dead. The watercolour wash of memories from years ago. She had cast herself out from those memories now, she did not belong there, the world of court and gilded rot where everything was beautiful on the surface. Pretty and still, where a woman like her could... She used to grow roses. She once was a woman who grew roses. She let go of Verena. The useless thought of her own old self staring back at her inside her mind. She watched Verena's hair fall gently back over her shoulder and then she stepped back, a hunger rising in her throat. Not for flesh, or rotmeth, or for the cruel amusement. This was hunger for the sky. The soil. The untamed air outside. Deia turned. Slamming against the bars. "Let me out!" "Let me out," she hissed again at the guards. Her voice serrated, lashing through the air to them, as foul as the rotmeth in her hand. When they ignored her. When they simply stared back, she turned on the others in the cage, that heat in her chest a dark rally. The silence of denial fanning the fire in her chest. All of them, sitting and waiting and chatting. She growled low, and her mouth twisted into a jagged shape. "Well?" The lilt in her voice was thin and wicked "Do you all intend to share campfire stories and rot?" she demanded, barely able to veil her impatient disgust. [/indent]