[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/003ffms.png[/img][/center] [right][sup][b]Location:[/b] [i]Dorm Building (Moving to Wolkwitz Auditorium), Merryweather Institute[/i][/sup][/right] [hr] Emiliano did not expect John to go out of his way and pick up a 'hearty' meal for someone he just met. How kind of him! Emiliano intends to return the favor once he gets his hands on the proper equipment. Unfortunately, he isn't much of a breakfast person. In general, he preferred to skip breakfast entirely and have a big lunch instead. That wouldn't be the case today, it seems. [color=Lightpink]“Ah, thank you. It looks-”[/color] [color=Lightpink][i]'Intimidating.'[/i][/color] He thought otherwise. [color=Lightpink]“-Delicious!”[/color] Putting his reservations aside, he enthusiastically accepted the plate and settled it on the table, next to the warm cup of milk he just pulled out of the microwave. He never did try the breakfast menu around here yet, so this would be the first for him. With one glance, Emiliano recognized a full English breakfast anywhere...with processed cheese? A rather unique take compared to other versions he has seen in the past. At least this one presented to him far outranks his uncle's poor attempt at the dish. The cheese itself bothered Emiliano on a spiritual level, while everything else skyrocketed his cholesterol levels just by looking at it. He went ahead to grab a ziploc bag out of the cabinet and sealed the cheese inside the mini-fridge for later. That just leaves the rest...time to dig in! Emiliano couldn't finish his plate by the time John left for the ceremony, so he decided to stay behind and catch up with him later. As he ate, he noticed Benny staring at him through the window for a good while before going off to do cat things. Personally, he didn't mind cats. They were good for keeping rats away from the restaurant back home, plus his family adores them. So, if his roommate decides to let the little guy roam around their dorm room, he won't tell him off. Not soon after, he heard the announcement over the intercom, prompting him to rush through the last stretch of his meal. As expected, Emiliano felt nauseous and overly stuffed by the end of it. The silver lining in this, he probably won't feel hungry for the rest of the day. On top of that, it tasted good! Thanks, John! After a quick clean up, Emiliano left the room in a hurry and was en route to the [b]Wolkwitz Auditorium[/b]. [hr]