[centre][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/WXgv/MTkyMjkyMDJkMjNiNDc2YWJiNmFlNjEyNzY0MTgwNzIudHRm/S2F6dW1hIFl1aQ/xenosphere.png?r=fs&h=45&w=3000&fg=F91111&bg=FFFFFF&tb=1&s=15[/img][/centre] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1-B Classroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya[/sub][hr]Yui slipped a hand over his mouth, partially covering his amused grin. Who would have thought their homeroom teacher would be one of [i]those[/i] types? For shame. For a moment, the hologram flickered off and then on again, and Yatagarasu-sensei reappeared with her Quirk in bloom. Briefly, Yui’s thoughts wandered elsewhere. His previous method worked well enough, even with its.... drawbacks. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to refine it a bit. Speaking of refining, that promotion to four-star hero was tempting in more ways than one. If he had known the top two ranked students would get rewarded with a “star-up”, maybe he would have put in more effort. Then again, the risk probably wasn’t worth it. Aside from that.... [i]The Furious Five, huh?[/i] And he was going up against the strongest one, too? This day was just getting better and better. Win or lose, a battle against the so-called strongest student in the school would be a treat. It was almost enough to convince him to be nice until Christmas. [i]Almost[/i]. Scanning the list of his teammates, Yui raised an eyebrow. Shirakawa Kagari, Todoroki Hinata, Todoroki Naito, and Akatsuki Chinmoku. A five-on-one battle with two of the three new students on his team, huh? Well, that was interesting. [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Training Ground Sigma[/colour][/sub] [hr] Was this even legal? Was the question Yui found himself asking nobody in particular as he changed into his gym uniform. He didn’t dwell on it for too long, instead giving himself a once-over and humming quietly at what he saw. The uniform definitely wasn’t the most concealing clothing he’d ever worn, that was for sure. The skin-tight nature of it did nothing to hide his build, unlike his usual attire. Certainly, he wasn’t one to care much for what other people thought of him, and he was nothing if not confident in his physique besides. Even before his Quirk kicked in, he’d had to keep himself in perfect shape. He did enjoy living, after all. Oh, well, at least no one could see the scars. The real problem was the fact that he wasn’t allowed to use his armour in the battle. The Eirei gym uniform may have been sturdier than its appearance might suggest, but it could not serve as a replacement for his tech. Unfortunately, it was all he had, and while he was no prude, he didn’t exactly fancy running around naked on school grounds because he accidentally disintegrated his clothes. That meant Redline (as if) and Mach anything was probably a no-no, but everything else was [i]theoretically[/i] still on the table. Eh. He’d figure it out later. Fighting with a handicap wasn’t anything new to him, anyway. It was nostalgic, in a sense. What [i]was[/i] new, however, was the No.1 hero swinging his way onto the training grounds from out of nowhere. Yui was suddenly struck by a reminder that Spiderman was an alumnus of Eirei and a fairly recent one at that. The way he spoke with the second years only compounded that fact. He let the hero’s words wash right over him in favour of figuring out what he was doing here. There weren’t many reasons for a hero of his calibre to be here, and considering what they were doing today, it was almost a no-brainer. Yatagarasu-sensei’s admonishment only served to confirm his assumption. [colour=lime]“So,”[/colour] Turning to his team, Yui flashed them a grin, sweeping a hand through his messy hair, [colour=lime]“What say we win this?”[/colour]