[COLOR=808080][CENTER][COLOR=8ECDB7][sup]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/j1Y1xJM.jpeg[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=8ECDB7][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Vampire's Home → Tavern[/I] - [I]Ünterland[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Human #5.081:[/b][/COLOR] [I]In The Woods Somewhere[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][center][COLOR=8ECDB7][SUP][sub]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][/center][indent][sub][color=8ECDB7][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/color][I] N/A[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=8ECDB7][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=808080][I]Shot In the Dark[/I][/color][/right][/SUP][/indent][/color] [indent][color=#808080]Cassius kept his word.[/color] [color=#808080]Not long after vanishing into the shadows, he returned, a midnight-colored cloak draped over his arm and a dagger held firmly in his hand - one of Aurora’s weapons that he had confiscated.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“We’re going into town. You’ll need these.” [/color][color=#808080]He offered her the garment first and the redhead reached out, her fingers brushing against the heavy fabric. The exterior was a thick wool, meant to keep out the cold, while the inner lining was softer linen, warm against her skin. She wrapped it around her shoulders, fastening the clasp at her neck before pulling the hood up to conceal her copper hair.[/color] [color=#808080]Cassius hesitated, second thoughts no doubt running through his mind, before extending the hilt of the dagger toward her, the sharp blade pointed at his midsection. His expression was unreadable, but the silent warning in his eyes that accompanied his motions was unmistakable. Aurora’s delicate fingers grazed [/color][color=#808080]his[/color][color=#808080] as she reclaimed the blade, and without a word she quickly sheathed it at her thigh, nodding in quiet acknowledgment of the unspoken rules. She knew better than to ask about the location of her sword.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Stay close to me,”[/color][color=#808080] He ordered. [/color][color=#ffffff]“Don’t draw attention to yourself and don’t speak to anyone.”[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Got it.”[/color] [color=#808080]She followed him out of the dimly lit room, stepping into the rest of his home which she had yet to see. The corridor was narrow, the walls lined with dark paneling that gleamed under the flickering candlelight of sconces that were hung every few feet. Her boots made little sound against the polished hardwood as she trailed behind Cassius, her gaze drinking in the details - everything here was old yet meticulously maintained, untouched by dust or time.[/color] [color=#808080]At the end of the hall, he pushed open a heavy wooden door, the hinges creaking in protest and a gust of cool air swept inside. They stepped out of the house and into a secluded courtyard, the stone walls draped in twisting vines whose shadows stretched against the ancient brickwork like skeletal fingers. The vampire led the way to a wrought-iron gate that separated his estate from the rest of the town and Aurora followed, tightening the cloak around herself against the chill in the air. She was careful to keep pace without making it obvious that she had to work to match his long strides.[/color] [color=#808080]The streets were quiet at this hour, the town bathed in crimson moonlight and the soft glow of distant lanterns. They took the back roads, Cassius moving like a specter, his sharp gaze sweeping over their surroundings. More than once, he paused, his head tilting slightly as though listening for something beyond her range of hearing. The redhead held her breath each time, fingers instinctively drifting toward her dagger, but after a few moments he would continue on, and she would exhale quietly, unsure whether to feel relieved or more on edge.[/color] [color=#808080]As they wove through the narrow streets, Aurora felt the weight of unseen glances upon them. No one dared to stare outright, but she sensed the flickers of curiosity, the subtle shifts of movement in the shadows. Cassius carried himself with an air of quiet authority that discouraged attention, but Aurora… [/color][color=#808080]she[/color][color=#808080] was something unfamiliar here, something that didn’t quite belong. Every step felt like a risk and the threat of exposure pressed against her ribs. [/color] [color=#808080][i]Stay close, don’t draw attention, don’t speak to anyone.[/i][/color] [color=#808080]Finally, he paused in front of a decrepit structure, its wooden frame weathered by time and neglect. A sign hung crookedly above the entrance, the name of the tavern barely legible beneath layers upon layers of grime. Light seeped through the cracks in the shutters, casting thin, ghostly beams onto the cobblestone street. Cassius looked back at Aurora and inclined his head towards the establishment, indicating that this would be their destination.[/color] [color=#808080]The door groaned as he pulled it open and warm, stale air spilled out, smelling of damp wood and spiced liquor. Aurora allowed Cassius to usher her inside, immediately aware of the dozen pairs of eyes that shifted toward them. Conversations quieted just slightly, only to resume a moment later, though she could still feel lingering unease in the glances thrown her way. [/color] [color=#808080]Her companion moved with the confidence of someone who had done this before - someone who knew exactly who he was here to see. She followed, keeping her head low and resisting the urge to look around, and they quickly reached the back corner of the tavern where a lone figure lounged at a table, boots propped up on the chair across from him. The man’s dark clothing melted into the dimness, but his silver grey eyes gleamed in the flickering light as he took in their arrival. His posture was deceptively relaxed, one arm draped over the back of the seat while the other toyed with the rim of a half-full glass of amber liquid.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Cassius, what an… unexpected surprise. You rarely frequent these parts,”[/color][color=#808080] He mused, voice smooth and words clearly calculated. His gaze slid to Aurora and a slow, devious smile curled at his lips, revealing sharp, glistening fangs. Another vampire.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“And who might this lovely creature be?”[/color][color=#808080] He flicked a glance back at Cassius, amusement dancing in his eyes. [/color][color=#ffffff]“Have you finally learned to play well with others?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“No one you need to concern yourself with,”[/color][color=#808080] Cassius stepped forward slightly, his posture tense and his flat tone carrying a warning. [/color][color=#ffffff]“She’s with me.”[/color][color=#808080] The other vampire chuckled, utterly unbothered. [/color] [color=#ffffff]“Always so serious, Cassius. But very well.”[/color][color=#808080] The shifting candlelight cast long shadows across his face as he gestured to the set of worn seats across from him.[/color][color=#ffffff] “Sit.”[/color] [color=#808080]Cassius’s jaw tightened, and yet he said nothing in response. Reaching around Aurora, he pulled out one of the chairs from the table and motioned for her to take a seat before following suit, settling in beside her. The vampire studied them both, tapping a single finger against the side of his glass. [/color] [color=#ffffff]“I assume you didn’t come here for pleasantries.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“What have you seen recently, Gideon?”[/color][color=#808080] Cassius wasted no time, his tone clipped, and the vampire - Gideon - arched his brow. [/color] [color=#ffffff]“You’ll have to be more specific. I see many things.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Yes, we all know you’re the Jarl’s favorite watchdog…”[/color][color=#808080] Cassius exhaled sharply, his patience thinning and disdain coating the obvious jab, but steadied his tone. [/color][color=#ffffff]“I’m asking about anything unusual.”[/color] [color=#808080]Gideon pursed his lips, considering the inquiry.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Well, let’s see,”[/color][color=#808080] His thumb and index finger came to rest on his chin as he feigned inquisitive thought. [/color][color=#ffffff]“The vendors at the market have been restless. Some of their rarer wares have gone missing as of recent - expensive, irreplaceable things. And the apothecary?”[/color][color=#808080] He let out a soft, amused sound akin to a scoff. [/color][color=#ffffff]“Let’s just say he’s not been himself lately. Swears someone’s been tampering with his stock, and whatever it is has had him paranoid ever since.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“There was also the man who came through last week,”[/color][color=#808080] Gideon continued, leaning in towards the pair, [/color][color=#ffffff]“Tall. Scarred. Wore the look of a hunter, though he tried to hide it. He was asking questions about strangers.”[/color][color=#808080] His gaze drifted toward Aurora, seeming to watch her carefully for a reaction. [/color][color=#ffffff]“About people who didn’t belong.”[/color] [color=#808080]The redhead’s grip tightened in her lap but her facial expression remained soft, stoic. Nervously, she spun her ring on her thin finger, the etched licks of flames dancing as she turned the golden metal band round.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Which reminds me of something else - one from my [/color][color=#ffffff]coven[/color][color=#ffffff] found themselves in the forest hunting, and he saw something rather curious,”[/color][color=#808080] Gideon murmured, his previous theatrics dimming as he divulged the intel. [/color][color=#ffffff]“He came across a pack of wolves. But one among them didn’t belong. A young woman.”[/color] [color=#808080]Aurora’s breath caught in her throat.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“She was disheveled, but nonetheless still devastating. Covered in tattoos and markings. Hair as black as ebony,”[/color][color=#808080] He raised a brow at Aurora, [/color][color=#ffffff]“Striking blue eyes.”[/color] [color=#808080]A flood of emotions hit the redhead all at once - relief, disbelief, and hope so sharp it was painful.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Amma,”[/color][color=#808080] She breathed, the name tumbling from her lips before she could stop herself. If he was being truthful, Amma was here, she was [/color][color=#808080][i]alive[/i][/color][color=#808080]. T[/color][color=#808080]heir journey had not been in vain. [/color] [color=#ffffff]“Ah, so she [/color][color=#ffffff][i]does[/i][/color][color=#ffffff] speak.”[/color][color=#808080] Gideon’s smirk deepened and he leaned back, pleased with himself. [/color][color=#ffffff]“Tell me, dear, who is she and why is she so important to you?”[/color] [color=#808080]Aurora ignored him and his question, pulse thudding in her ears, and looked to Cassius with panic in her eyes. He cut in before Gideon could gloat or pry further. [/color] [color=#ffffff]“Where. Where were they seen?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“It wouldn’t help you much, the wolves move fast. By now? Who knows.”[/color][color=#808080] He shrugged with a sigh, eyes still set upon the redhead, [/color][color=#ffffff]“But she was in the forest, that much is certain. And, if I were to wager… she’s not the only one you need to be watching for.”[/color][color=#808080] Gideon took a long sip of his drink, knowing that Aurora was hanging on his every word before finally looking at Cassius. [/color][color=#ffffff]“The pack was traveling east, towards the Blackwood.”[/color] [color=#808080]The redhead’s companion cursed under his breath and silence settled between them for a beat before he pushed back his chair, standing abruptly. [/color] [color=#ffffff]“We’re done here.”[/color][color=#808080] Cassius looked down at Aurora and she got the hint, quickly rising to her feet. Across the table, Gideon raised his glass in a mock toast, his smirk lingering.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“A pleasure, as always, Cassius. I’ll be sure to send the Jarl your regards.”[/color] [color=#808080]Cassius didn’t acknowledge the remark, already turning toward the door and the redhead followed, weaving through the tables and patrons alike to catch up to him. She could feel Gideon’s gaze still pinned on her, burning a hole into her back, but she did not falter as they made their hasty departure. They stepped past the threshold, and only then did she allow herself to breathe as they emerged onto the uneven cobblestone street, the sounds of the tavern fading behind them[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Alright,”[/color][color=#808080] She muttered, casting a glance over her shoulder to ensure the door had creaked shut and that they were alone again. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“What’s so bad about the Blackwood?”[/color] [color=#808080]The vampire didn’t reply. Instead, he adjusted the collar of his jacket and picked a piece of lint off of the lapel before walking with purpose towards the distant treeline, leaving Aurora’s question hanging. Refusing to be ignored, she ran ahead of him and planted herself in his path, stopping him in his tracks and glancing up expectantly for an answer.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Well?” [/color] [color=#808080]Cassius exhaled heavily.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“The Blackwood isn’t just part of the forest. It’s old - older than the town, older than most things in these parts. And it has always belonged to [/color][i][color=#ffffff]them[/color][/i][color=#ffffff].” [/color][color=#808080]The redhead raised an eyebrow quizzically. [/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Them?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“The witches.”[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Witches,” [/color][color=#808080]Aurora’s gaze narrowed. Sure, she’d heard stories and folklore, but she’d never personally encountered a witch. Then again, she’d never encountered a vampire either before Cassius. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“And what’s so bad about the witches?” [/color][color=#808080]He let out a low, humorless chuckle, shaking his head.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“You ask that as if witches are nothing more than old women whispering over cauldrons.” [/color][color=#808080]He replied, and Aurora crossed her arms.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“I mean, are they?” [/color][color=#808080]She studied his face, searching for any trace of mirth, but found none as he shook his head in response. [/color][color=#8ecdb7]“Alright, so what makes them so dangerous?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“They don’t follow the same rules as the rest of us,”[/color][color=#808080] Cassius said, starting forward again and this time, Aurora fell into step beside him instead of blocking his path. [/color][color=#ffffff]“They’re unpredictable, and they don’t take kindly to trespassers.”[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“I’m sensing a common theme here,”[/color][color=#808080] She muttered under her breath and Cassius shot her a look, but it didn’t deter her as she continued her train of thought.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“Why do I get the feeling it’s not just outsiders they hate - but you in particular?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Let’s just say we have history. And they aren’t exactly fans of mine.” [/color][color=#808080]He revealed, and Aurora’s curiosity was instantly piqued.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“What did you do?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Something they don’t forgive.”[/color] [color=#808080]Before she had the chance to press further, a sound split through the darkness - something between a screech and a roar, so unnatural it made the air itself seem to vibrate.[/color] [color=#8ecdb7]“What was that?”[/color][color=#808080] Aurora asked, her voice barely more than a [/color][color=#808080]breath[/color][color=#808080], eyes wide. Cassius had stilled beside her too, going tense as his sharp gaze scanned the darkened sky towards the awaiting forest.[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Nothing good.”[/color][/indent]