[center][h2][color=#008b8b]Fionn MacKerracher[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] He had been as sure that he had the [i]right[/i] idea as Fiadh seemed sure that he had the wrong idea. Tyaethe, Gertrude, and some of the others no doubt shared the sentiment or one similar—he was certain the former would have some choice words for him later, and the latter just as quickly pulled back away from him. Unsurprisingly, he was right; their Moonlit Queen clapped her hands, her delight likely only tempered by the fact that she hadn't been able to watch the proceedings. That tale alone was enough to sell his talents in combat, most likely. It seemed just as likely that they would need to focus in on other things, as this diminutive fairy wasn't likely to focus on the same things any of them were. He raised his hand, adjusting the lay of his hauberk over his shoulders. As he did, he pulled a small twig out from between the links, likely broken off of the construct that they'd fought not long before. [color=#008b8b]"You get lonely, don't you?"[/color] he mused out loud, turning the twig around in his fingers. He thought for a moment, before his grip tightened for a moment— [i][color=#008b8b]"Aletou."[/color][/i] —and the twig grew, lengthening in his grasp before splitting off at the end into a small bouquet of the same white blossoms that had bloomed all over the remnants of the tree-snake they had felled. He cut the flow of mana off quickly, rather than letting it continue to grow until it would try to root itself again. Then he stepped forward, leaning down and holding out the flowering twig to the Moonlit Queen. [color=#008b8b]"It's not much, like, but I'm good at entertaining little girls,"[/color] he said brightly. [color=#008b8b]"Why, not long ago a local princess declared me her [i]Stalwart Ball Knight,[/i] and of course..."[/color] He held up his left hand, freed of its gauntlet and showing the mark that Fiadh had left in his palm. He was, of course, entirely straight-faced...though he didn't know whether or not Gerard or Renar would manage to maintain such after the reminder of what Maletha had dubbed him. [color=#008b8b]"She likes me too, at least. You're both kinda little right now, I assume that's on purpose."[/color]