[CENTER][h1][color=silver][b]Smoke on the Wind[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][COLOR=bc8dbf]P A I G E[/color] [color=silver]&[/color] [color=#B0171F]M A R K O[/color][/h3][/center] [right][sup][color=#B0171F][b]Location:[/b][/color] [color=silver][i]Merryweather Institute Grounds[/i][/color][/sup][/right][hr] [color=silver]One moment Paige was standing there with a quirked eyebrow, entertaining herself by pushing the buttons of this stranger and the next she had her arms hovering, out reached as she worriedly hesitated on some way to help the choking man.[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf][i]Oh god, don't die on me![/i][/color] [color=silver]When he finally looked back up at her, seemingly done with dying, Paige relaxed slightly standing back up straight. That was until he mentioned how 'purple' she was. Staring down at him for a second that seemed to stand still for much too long, she suddenly burst out into loud rambunctious laughter. Marko stared back blankly, eyes shifting between her and his outstretched hand. Was it something he said?[/color] [color=#B0171F]"Um..."[/color] [color=silver]He coughed.[/color] [color=#B0171F][i]Is she laughing at me?[/i][/color] [color=silver]Laughter petering off, Paige honestly couldn't remember the last time she had laughed that hard. It was about then she heard the awkward hesitation and saw the outstretched hand. Chuckling dryly, she stretched out her hand to his,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"Paige."[/color] [color=silver]However, instead of shaking his hand, she attempted to pull him up to her level. It was only then she let go of his hand, a mischievous twinkle gaining in her eye as she commented,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"Though it seems like you can just call me 'Purple'."[/color] [color=silver]She chuckled to herself once again. Oh, she was definitely making fun of him.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"I... If that's what you want,"[/color] [color=silver]He mumbled his response, rubbing the back of his neck.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"Anyways."[/color] [color=silver]He shrugged his shoulders back, trying to straighten his features and gain back some feeling of control in the situation. Initial embarrassment aside, so far the interaction wasn't a complete failure. Maybe this Paige was a little snarky, but that was fine. He could deal with snarky.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"So,"[/color] [color=silver]Marko began, feeling the words out carefully.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"We should probably head to the assembly. Before we end up being late."[/color] [color=silver]He spoke in a stiltedly matter of fact tone, his words still laced throughout with fatigue and general malaise. His expression, now recovered from his initial embarrassment, was similarly dry.[/color] [color=silver]Looking down at the significantly smaller girl before him, he beckoned in the direction the other straggling students were heading.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"We can walk together..."[/color] [color=silver]He said slowly, almost carefully.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"If you'd like?"[/color] [color=silver]Groaning, she rolled her eyes at his suggestion of them actually doing what they were supposed to be doing. She had truly hoped she could have found some kind of excuse to miss out on the whole thing.[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"I guess I have nothing better to do,"[/color] [color=silver]She said resigning herself to the fact that she did in fact have to go to this stupid ceremony opening. Not waiting for Marko, she started to walk forward before calling back,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"Come on, Crispy."[/color] [color=silver]At that remark, a mix of emotions washed across Marko's face. Primarily surprise, indignation, and then something resembling relief? The same dry, unimpressed expression won out in the end, however.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"I..."[/color] [color=silver]He sighed, willing his broad-shouldered body forward.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"Okay."[/color] [color=silver]He took a few large strides to hurry next to her before slowing his pace.[/color] [color=silver]She looked up at him with a playful smirk and asked,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"What? Not a fan of the nickname?"[/color] [color=silver]Marko glanced sidelong at her, the corner of his mouth tugging into an indeterminate shape.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"It's... better than you thinking it without saying it at all. I think."[/color] [color=silver]His sturdy shoulders shrugged.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"I'd rather be teased than stared at. It's not like I'm clueless. It's literally all over my face, after all."[/color] [color=silver]He spoke in a wry, slightly bitter tone, the corner of his good eye creasing as an almost-smile rose and fell across his face.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"I don't suppose you're also an accidental pyromaniac?"[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"It's just payback for the purple comment, don't take it all too seriously,"[/color] [color=silver]She said waving it off like it was all just a silly joke. She had really not put much thought in her comments, if anything her giving someone a nickname was a sign that she got along with them. If they could withstand her snarky comments and terribly chosen nicknames was a whole different question though. Seeing his half smile made her instantly thinking she was in the good though and smiled brightly back before replying,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"No, not me. I'm just an accidental mall destroyer."[/color] [color=silver]The way she playfully made the remark made it hard to tell if she was telling the truth or just poking fun at Marko once again. Despite himself, he let out a light chuckle.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"The whole mall?"[/color] [color=silver]He queried, eyebrow raised in mild amusement. Paige had really put her foot in her mouth, she had no plans to ever tell anyone about Riverside mall and yet here she was making fun of it.[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"No, just the food court,"[/color] [color=silver]She said in an embarrassed huff, before quickly trying to get him off her scent by rolling her eyes and adding,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"What do you think?"[/color] [color=#B0171F]"I think,"[/color] [color=silver]Marko said, in his careful way.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"That I should stay on your good side. Especially in the cafeteria."[/color] [color=silver]He smiled at Paige, halfway between warm and teasing. This wasn't going too badly at all. Sure. It's just one interaction. Sure. He had, in theory, limitless chances to do something stupid. Sure. But, hey, whatever. At least nobody here knew his reputation back home. It was a fresh start. He didn't have to be the reclusive, delinquent tagalong anymore.[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"Smart man,"[/color] [color=silver]She said with a playful smirk decorating her face. Her bright purple eyes flicked back to him for a moment as if she was for the first time actually assessing the person in front of her before she asked,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"So why are you in such a rush for this stupid ceremony anyway?"[/color] [color=silver]Briefly, he bit in the inside of his cheek in thought.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"I wouldn't say I'm in a hurry. I just don't want to miss it. On the other side of things, why do you seem so loathe to attend?"[/color] [color=silver]She seemed like she had a chip on her should about being at this school. He was sure that was the reason. Still, it was better to ask.[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"Once you've done one school assembly, you've done them all."[/color] [color=silver]She said dismissively before adding,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"All they're probably going to do is go on about how good people they are to imprison us in this supposed school and then if we're really lucky some asshole will come down the lines and pick on our outfits."[/color] [color=silver]With that last comment, she picked at the fancy lapel of Marko's large and decidedly not school approved jacket as to make her point. He tugged his jacket tighter around himself in response, simply mumbling,[/color] [color=#B0171F]"It's cold."[/color] [color=silver]He paused before suggesting,[/color] [color=#B0171F]"It is good that a place for people like us exists though, right?"[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"I mean I haven't been executed yet if that is what you mean,"[/color] [color=silver]She said dryly. Then as she saw they were about at the Wolkwitz Auditorium, she added,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"Guess you'll have to tell me."[/color] [color=silver]Marko surveyed the other students pouring into the auditorium with a frown, the corners of his mouth deepening into their expression the longer he quietly studied the people around him. At last, in a low, thoughtful voice, he said,[/color] [color=#B0171F]"Yes, Paige. If every single one of them is half as dangerous as you or me, us being here is a good thing. I'm lucky that what happened to me-"[/color] [color=silver]He cut himself off, swallowing.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"Well, I'm just lucky that it happened to [i]me[/i]."[/color] [color=silver]He could have burnt his house down, and turned his grandparents to cinders along with it. What if he lost his cool in a fistfight and blew the other kid's head off? This is definitely where he belonged. Most likely where they all belonged. He looked down at Paige with a morose bearing.[/color] [color=#B0171F]"You can sit with me if you like. But I think it's important to attend this assembly, whether someone gets on my case about my coat or not."[/color] [color=silver]Paige let out a large sigh, as much as she hated to admit it he might have actually had a point. After all, it had been lucky no one had actually died during the hurricane that took down the most popular place in town. That didn't stop the large [i]hmph[/i] that came from her as she sat down in one of the back seats though. Nor did it change the fact that she stretched out her legs and rested them in the nook between the seats in front of her as she snarkily said,[/color] [COLOR=bc8dbf]"Well I'm not so sure about 'dangerous'. I heard some unlucky fuckers just have the ability to ruin meals."[/color] [color=silver]As the pair descended into general chatter, waiting for the assembly to begin, Marko pondered that it wasn't such a bad start here, all in all. Paige was definitely... very different from him, which was likely a good thing. He imagined that he would struggle to hold a conversation with himself at the best of times.[/color] [color=#B0171F][i]It's only a first impression, but it's a start. Hopefully things go as smoothly with everyone else I meet, too.[/i][/color] [color=silver]A breeze whisked through the auditorium, and Marko pulled his coat around himself tighter still.[/color]