[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/q0fnOOu.png[/img][/center] [right][sup][color=CD0000][b]Location:[/b][/color] [i]Imperial City Prisons[/i] [color=CD0000][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color][@Alfhedil][@Kazemitsu] [/sup][/right][hr] [color=silver]Looking down at the hand extended before him, Veeza grasped it by way of greeting, eclipsing the young woman’s hand within his own. As Khaliya pointed out her brother, Veeza gave him a slow nod in acknowledgement. Then, he took a moment to size up the other Argonian, Kharne. He was certainly impressive. With both of them seated, Veeza couldn’t even tell which was the larger of the two of them. Addressing both the Redguard and the Argonian in unison, he said,[/color] [color=CD0000]“My name is Veeza. I am a gladiator of Kvatch. Though sometimes, like today, I also do combat in the capital. Usually that's limited to just inside the arena.”[/color] [color=silver]His voice was stone scraping against stone, less of a rasp at the edges of his words than a low grating that gave each syllable an earthy, sturdy quality. Flicking his eyes to focus on Kharne in particular, he hazarded,[/color] [color=CD0000]“Well met, beeko.”[/color] [color=silver]His grasp of Jel was passable, but he had few speaking partners in Kvatch to hone his usage of it.[/color] [color=silver]Kharne could be from anywhere; have any outlook. Still, there was nothing wrong with seeking a little solidarity. Argonians weren’t always looked kindly upon.[/color] [color=CD0000]“These are poor circumstances to meet under,”[/color] [color=silver]He continued, once more speaking to the both of them.[/color] [color=CD0000]“Sharing a round together would have been better.”[/color] [color=silver]He stiffened suddenly as the woman- no, as the madwoman began her sudden outburst. Did he hear her say her name was Deia? He wasn’t sure. His tail stopped its agitated flicking, instead coming to be poised perfectly still as his fingers clenched into fists. It was likely she was just addled, not necessarily dangerous. Even so. He wouldn’t tolerate any further violence in his presence tonight. His pale, yellow eyes focused on her warily while he addressed Khaliya and Kharne in a low voice,[/color] [color=CD0000]“This cell is full of colorful characters, it seems.”[/color] [color=silver]That was when the flamboyant man began to speak. He… did make sense, even if the language was particularly grandiloquent for Veeza’s tastes. He seemed smarter than he acted at any rate. Whether the charlatan’s persona he exuded was done so with intent or not was another matter entirely. He nodded in self-confirmation, echoing himself,[/color] [color=CD0000]“Colorful indeed.”[/color] [color=silver]The man’s words did get him thinking though. How long would the guards see fit to keep him in here? Ildrani was going to be worried about him if his arena earnings weren’t enough to pay off whatever fine they saddled him with. He would pay it happily too, to get out of here. The smell of alcohol never bothered Veeza, but it reeked here. It smelled like his father. That scent: the sickly smell of sweat and alcohol, fermented into a foul odor that brought with it nothing but unpleasant memories. Was he even still alive? Veeza wasn't confident. It didn't matter either way. He was wise enough to know that such a reunion would bring nothing of value with it. Now he had a home. A career. Someone that he loved. And, for all that Mush-La was a mean old bastard, thanks to him he had the tools he needed to keep all three. Gradually his tense muscles relaxed. Trusting- or perhaps hoping that the wild woman, Deia, would look upon the flamboyant man’s words with as much agreeance as he himself did, he resolved to continue the conversation with Khaliya and Kharne. Still, he flicked an eye back in their direction often enough.[/color] [color=CD0000]“So- what exactly brings the both of you to the city?”[/color]