"Huh." Ramona watched her massive ally-by-circumstance consume the grey matter of the Archmagos, eye narrowing as he seemed to actually glean something from it. There were always tall tales about all the bizarre things Space Marines could do with their Emperor-blessed bodies... seemed there was at least some truth to all of that. Useful knowledge for later. "Once knew a man who insisted he could see the future in fresh rat guts. Brains're a new one." From her position crouched in front of the door, Ramona surveyed the situation with this fresh knowledge. Well, that solved the mystery of the third shot, at least, not that it gave them many answers just yet. Still, one mystery among a score knocked down. With a grunt, she pushed herself back to her feet, striding to check on the servo-skull's progress before she moved to examine the bolter-round that lay among the shards of the shattered window. She didn't have the knowledge to make much out of an unexploded bolt round-- but an Astartes might. "Could be there was someone, or something, else in here with her. Gunner comes in, aims to take out both, and the Archmagos just happens to end up between the bolts and their target." Ramona grimaced at her own theory. It was a flimsy one, and didn't have much backing. Pure conjecture, and that wouldn't do. Better to find the real truths among the chaff. "But don't put much weight in coincidences, myself."