[center] ============================================================================== [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/48e0b317d2ffc7936655b11763c0a69b/68429afdbef10799-7f/s1280x1920/e6f2264746a967e82aa7cd2c43120b4acf365e16.jpg[/img] ============================================================================== The lands of dark are a distant and treacherous place. The fogs are plentiful and house a thousand odd creatures. The storms strike the land with lightning like claws and teeth, and the shadows seem to near dance in the moonlight. There is something different and unsaid about the Land of Dark that is enchanted with a evil spell in its very soil; and travels in its air. Cities and communities are rare here, and its ever huge landscape travelling between the few nests of civil sanctuary is daunting and dangerous. Lesser creatures, like you, either live in the wild and fight, debase and twist into feral and fae like states unrecognizable to anything human given enough years OR...they seek employment by the Masters. ============================================================================== [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/fdd89379bc2a7d17e9c30d205953c1dc/1cb2a94d4444b276-41/s1280x1920/7a6a8200f4fdab7db1a099cf3d6a1c564a0cf45f.jpg[/img] ============================================================================== As far as you know, the start of any sensible life of comfort and civility in these lands was here. It's flame lit halls protect from the manic weather outside, it's strange incantations and symbols seeming to halt the invasion of many monsters of the more sinister kind from charging in too deep and if all else fails; the raw power and anger of its ill tempered master ensures that any foolish enough to bring them out of their opulent stupors of indulgence and rest will bring about a swift destruction. You are a worker here, under the Master's employ. Your options are few, there are no trains, no cars, and no spell attainable to one of your level that will allow you to escape to a different masters keep or hamlet. For you, it's either work here, or return to the constant watching slitted eyes in the great woodscape of the Dark. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [u][b]ROLES[/b][/u] [b]BUTLERS/MAIDS[/b] EMPTY EMPTY [b]KITCHEN STAFF[/b] [color=lightsteelblue]CREAKS[/color] (ScreenAcne) EMPTY [b]GARDENING[/b] EMPTY EMPTY -------------------------------------------------------------------- [h2]THE WORLD OF DARK[/h2] [hider= The Masters] Master are singular and almost exclusively tolerate only minions and servants in their house. No master is like the other in what their nature and power. One may be greedy to the point of constant eating, another may have an obsession with gardening her grounds and some even tolerate some level of presence and society beyond their walls in the form of small towns and hamlets, although such things are rare. But they're all Tyrannical, they're all a docile form of evil, they're all powerful and very old and their visage is rarely seen, and when seen, timidly shared out of some dark, unsaid pact. Normally only expressed in details of their horrid or unnerving feelings they provoke. [/hider] [hider=demands] The master either relays his order to a lesser servant or sends out a [color=red][h1] BOOMING SHOUT [/h1][/color] to his minion on what he wants done. His order are constant and it's his servant will don't get much time off work. Each player will get a turn to give out a booming shout from the master, letting them dictate his wants. Be it from cleaning out the basement or making 100 pies out pigeons, so long as the want is relatively domestic in nature, it's all game. The turn order for the starts at the GM - ScreenAcne - and will go in order of who was accepted first, then second, then third until the cycle starts over again. There is a week in real time downtime between orders, unless everyone votes to skip it. [/hider] [hider= Denizen and Creatures in the Castle] Those employed by the Master are tamer, more humanized version of the twisted beasts outside. Sometimes this is because of a slow effect the manor lifestyle and its magic, or could be a by product of a monster even being BORN in the manor itself and thus having changed in some way. For most though, it's because the domestic life inside has stopped the evil energies and wild circumstance outside effecting their personality and abilities as much. The type of monsters in the Masters care are servants first due to this and normally have their more threatening natures dulled. This is partially because the Master would eat them if they tried to even present a threat to them even for a moment. The land of Dark has every monster imagined creeping around. Purple, large sacks with razor teeth, to stalking Wendigo's wearing some untold beasts skull. Paranoid looking humans with a murderous intent about them and warty witches with green slin. Regardless of type, these monsters are lulled into the safety of servitude to the master. THOSE THAT AREN'T HOWEVER are so twisted with a primordial evil that even to the servant of the same species within the Master employ will not be able to recognize them as anything remotely relatable. Some of these entities in this state manage to infest and infiltrate the manner in many lesser ways, festering in forgotten rooms, dark cellars and the occasional live in pest trying to parasitically live off the land and supplies within. Sometimes. Rarely. Outside monsters due to being denizens of another master territory or having lived on the outskirts of the castle grounds - hiding within it - long enough they become a bit dulled themselves, but still retain some, small speck of their evil nature. [/hider] [hider= Power levels, technology, magic] Technology generally lives between Victorian era and late 1900's. The newest thing one might find is a CD or even a PC but such high end technology is rare. Trains and logistical tech is virtually non-existent. There is ONE train system in the Land of Dark and it's far, far away from the Master liar we are in. How technology gets in the land? The answer is regarded to be "travelers" from outside the Land, somehow, come here and leave them here. The fate or nature of these travelers are not widely known. But this is myth and doubted. Power Scaling: The Masters are the only beings capable of pulling off high end magic. This means it's not feasible for a witch under his employ to known how to animate objects or turn people into toads. Although each entity is allowed some powers so long as they don't make them into A class super heroes. A ghost who can lift things and phase through doors is fine. As is a wendigo being able to speak to animals or change shapes, but generally the employed creatures are not as strong as their Primordial and more sinister counterparts in the woods. Your character should be susceptible to be hurt by low level threats. A monster getting in from outside and wanting to fight, should make your character pause, even if its for others safety and their limited ability to help. You have no hope against the Master both magically and innately, and you know this. You don't have to have powers. All of the monsters, even humans, have a sort of unsaid empowerment of their own in more mundane, small ways, such as severe wounds stabilizing, decreased aging and a sort of mysterious vitality and healthiness to them. They heal faster than most by weeks when being treated. [/hider] [h1]OOC[/h1] [b]EXPECTATIONS[/b] Post once a day - DON'T CLICK AWAY - This is a chill RP. Don't worry about posting something good. It's better you post and chill and have fun, that's the slice of life, play spooky no big deal vibe this RP is aiming for. 1 to 3 paragraphs standard on average. Your character can be hurt. But generally, this is not a combat focused RP and casual fights between players should be a rarity. The politics and issues of Earth are not known nor cared about by entities in the Land of Dark. This includes OOC. Don't be afraid to @ me if you need me to sort out something, or got questions. Don't be afraid to use the OOC to chill in general. There is no official thing going here. If you need to PM me because you got an idea or you just want to chill, it's cool. I may be slow though because I'm tired as fuck lately, but you're all welcome to hit me up. This includes if the RP is full and you want a spot. We can wag about it. [u][b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b][/u] [hider=sheet code] [code] [center] [color=pick a color][h1]NAME HERE [/h1][/color] https://absitomen.com/index.php?topic=331.0 Link to a site with loads of the color names that work for bcode. [b] SPECIES HERE [/b] [color=gray] 0_0===============================================================================0_0 [/color] [img]An image of your character here. Images are optional. If you don't have an image. You can move your description here instead[/img] Please no AI. Look. I know it's a bit of a hot take. I just don't vibe with it. No spite. [color=gray] =============================================================================== [/color] [b][u]APPEARENCE[/u][/b] Appearance goes under here. One paragraph min. If you ain't using an image and moving this to the section above. Delete this header. [b][u]PRESENCE[/u][/b] Give us a detailed version of what others will know of you working in the manor. This is a account of what others have seen, rumors and impressions your character. You can make it truthful and open, or enigmatic due to its almost purely outside perspective and accrued impression of your character since employment. I find, kindred, that sometimes people have a lot more fun if they have room to improvise or reveal the truth down the line. But if you want your accounts to be truthful, you can do that too here. [b][u]ROLE[/u][/b] Your desired role here. [b][u]ABILITIES[/u][/b] Give details on what your monster is, what skills both natural to their kin and unnatural do they have, including the mundane? if you wish to elaborate a bit on their species, feel free to do so here. [h1]RELATIONSHIPS[/h1] Include a list of other characters names here as they join and appear. Put a [h2] [/h2] around their name plus their chosen color. You should have a quote from your character regarding them presently. That means even if your character has little interaction with them. [/center] [/code] [/hider] [/center]