[center][h2]Ethan Marsh[/h2][/center] [right][code]Monday April 14th, 13 Mourningdove Lane[/code][/right][hr] "This better not be a mistake," Ethan worryingly said under his breath as the doors closed behind and he saw that the inside of the mansion was dark. Just his luck, an old creepy mansion is where this Archivist wants to meet him, or should he say them. Since he did see one other enter and who knows how many else. As he walked, Ethan took a look at the decor and thought that this place was definitely old. Based on what was here, who would live in a place like this, and for how long? It felt like it was not lived in, and yet, with the flicking lights, it seemed the place still had power. "Make up your mind," Ethan annoyingly said out loud as the lights continued to flicker. He sighed and went on his way, and eventually, hearing a door opening and closing nearby and went to investigate. Finding a closed door and hoping that there was nothing bad on the other side, he opened it and found himself in a salon-type room one might expect in a house like this, and he found he was not alone. A feeling that was both relieving and concerning as at least he does not have to deal with this Archivist alone if things go south but, he knows none of them and not sure if anyone of them are apart of this. Ethan kept quiet as the others introduced themselves and spoke about their powers. Well, some spoke about their powers so far, when it was quiet, he spoke up."I am Ethan and my power is well.... I can see souls and whatnot." Then he wondered if he should demonstrate it, and he has not really used it much, and maybe he can use it here. It would certainly be a step up from dealing with the low light and without another thought. Ethan took a deep breath and closed his eyes and when he opened next, his brown eyes were now blue and had a dim glow to them. Now, everything looked different, like he could see outlines of objects and the walls. But it was faint, with little color, but it was a step up from not being able to see well in the dark. But, the brightness he could see was from people's souls. They were of varying colors their souls and he did note some looked different than others. For reasons, he can only guess right now and when he can come across Burnie Cinders's soul. That really perplexed him as it was very different from the others but with a trace or some part of what looked like Lena's soul, and he would say without thinking, "Oh, that is what that looks like." Ethan did not notice when Mathias stopped talking and started talking about someone watching them. Causing Ethan to look around with his soul sight still on and wonder who Mathias was talking to.