[color=azure]Spiderman shrugged the responses off beneath his mask, he's certainly isn't fond of people who can't quip alongside him, so he gestured with the silent finger since he sensed the arrival of his crew, the Leopardon Agency. Given that his group is quite the rowdy crew, one of them wouldn't be allowing any insults towards the Webslinger. Any offensive action to these people, reflects what kind of Hero, Spiderman is, and factually speaking, the spidermenace is one of the many reputations he got.[/color] [color=FF00FF]"Talking within subtility means contempt – nyan~ 𖹭" [/color] [color=azure]A woman dressed like a cat, appeared out of the blue, dissipating like the Cheshire Cat from a certain Alice in Wonderland, didn't take kindly of Reiji's choice of words against Spiderman. She can tell people off, based on behavior & expression alone, which makes her a formidable asset and right-hand of Spidey.[/color] [hr][right][color=hotpink][b]Harima Nekomi[/b][/color][/right][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1rgBFoufG_5nVD85lQIBE8M12ZYX6hrBjpg&usqp=CAU[/img][/center][color=hotpink]Heroname:[/color] [b][color=black]Blackcat[/color][/b][hr]Harima Nekomi, a former vigilante and cat burglar, she's been dancing with Spidey since he was 14-years old, as Spidey became the #1 Hero in Japan, Nekomi joined the Leopardon Agency, smitten by her on and off lover. The Harima clan are one of Japan's extant villain families, dated back from Harima Oji, the Peerless Thief, who's among Japan's Three Demon Lords and co-founders of the League of Villains with All For One and Destro. [color=hotpink]"Bottom feeders have no right stealing Spidey-sama's thunder – nyan~ , be more upfront and you'll be more purrfect, Ironboy Jr."[/color] [color=silver]"Fervor, mei sanguis."[/color] Suddenly, Cat was then taken out and sealed in a silver cage. [hr][right][b][color=silver]Alya Silvanova[/color][/b][/right][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpQ-3yq6Q0zvq5toz1EX6v-Sch0n1F0rasoQ&usqp=CAU[/img][/center][b][color=silver]Heroname:[/color] Silversable[/b] | Quirk: Volumen Hydrargyrum[hr][color=azure]Her cold expression and no-nonsense attitude, quelled Blackcat from causing any animosity between the Heroes.[/color] [color=silver]"Apologies, Magitecher, Professor Yatagarasu. The lack of foresight and untamed fervor must be unquenching including what seemed to be a pensive charade."[/color] [Color=azure]She said so, passive-aggressively. Alya Silvanova, former Bratvan Princess and villain to Spiderman, Alya defied her father, the Bratvan King of the Russian Mafia, Kayneth Silvanova, Silvermane and became the then vigilante and now Prohero Sidekick, Silversable. Silvermane was defeated by Spiderman before his graduation, a three-way battle between Doc-Ock, Spiderman and Silvermane at the Shibuya Crossing, the former was handed over to the Russian Authorities.[/color] [color=silver]"To answer your questions, we're here for the Joint Training with Class 1A and we'll be watching yours, right after."[/color] [color=azure]She looked at Magitecher with a subtle blush, looking away for a bit and then told him what he needed to hear via her telepathic device.[/color] [color=gray][i]Leopardon has agreed to the terms of Teknus in Otheon, for the doom hunt, I am your collaborator, Silversable, I look forward working with you, Magitecher.[/i][/color] [sup][h1][b][center][color=black] C L A S S 1 A[/color] [color=#B0C4DE]C L A S S 1 A[/color][/center][/b][/h1][/sup][center]Sigma Training Ground[/center] [hr][b][color=lavender]Kaku Mei[/color][/b][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWT-h-c2aThXQkLKBZPjoTgbb_5yieEF8nQw&usqp=CAU[/img] [b]Heroname: [/b] Ignia [b]Quirk:[/b] Ignition Quirk Type: Emulation • Gen 5 Mei cannot make her own fire, she can control heat and store it in places. [hr][color=azure]Kaku Mei is the female homeroom representative of Class 1-A. She's one of Endeavor's nieces, a retainer branch of the Todoroki Family, whose branch manages tech-related inventions and development in Pyrotechnology [/color] [color=lavender]"Oh? Amaya is also a president now? Nice! Akira, I'm quite nervous about fighting a legitimate Prohero but I guess I'll do what I can."[/color] [color=azure] For some reason Mei don't seem to be in the game.[/color] [hr][right][b][color=gold]Himekishi Erza[/color][/b][/right][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRiELNC0WEg5bKWch7k0KsXT7t0CZFx5XlejQ&usqp=CAU[/img][b]Heroname:[/b] Princess Knight [b]Quirk:[/b] Binocular Velocity [b]Quirk Type:[/b] Transportation, Gen-5 The faster Erza gets, the more she adapts to her speed, allowing her to see things in slo-mo.[hr] Himekishi Erza is the second-runner up of the Sports Festival, with Yuzuki Akira ranking as the first-runner up and Mawatari Jun being the ultimate Victor. Erza is the fastest student not just in 1-A but in all of the First Years. [hr][right][b]Banashi Ritsuku[/b][/right][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-96gFGP1k6-5tBlT3I9N3CESNIrEk5-dc0A&usqp=CAU[/img][/center][b]Heroname:[/b] Fairytale [b]Quirk:[/b] Fantasy Indulgence [b]Quirk Type: [/b] Psychokinesis • Accumulation • Transporter • Gen 6 [indent]The more deluded Ritsuku gets, the stronger he becomes and this is done by indulging into the world of fiction, whatever he reads, gets projected into reality constructs, namely Otaku Fantasy Powers and thematically projecting a Void Deck (Domain Expansion) that fades away after use, Ritsuku needs to maintain his delusion, otherwise he can't use his Quirk.[/indent][hr]Banashi Ritsuku is the newly elected, male homeroom representative of freshman block, class 1-A. It goes without saying that he's the strongest male student in 1-A and a kind of Otaku that loves crazy power fantasy works that erodes his mind like a discorded dragon that know not they gave their Game Master, a wild idea. [Color=CD5C5C]"Gakkarisapointed, I so wanna tatakitsumori Akai-senpai of the Furious Five, kedo with Spidey here, machigawadoubt uWu, 1-A will show why 1A is 1B no houga yō da."[/color] Ritsuku speaks in brainrot, Japanglish to contain his Quirk, because once he speaks in formal sentences, he'll accidentally manifest real shit. He was delighted to see their former 1-A Professor, Yatagarasu Hisora. [color=CD5C5C]"Sensei, Kimi wa Miss You and old 1-Aers. Obvious desu be it. Amaya, Kaiga and Kagari, demoted ni nattara, now Class ain't tanoshii, come back kudasai![/color] [hr][center][color=fff79a][b]Yatagarasu Hisora[/b][/color][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqT7c6ybNBWUpx0k4TNZmqzI5oFeRqRRCyvjmtdDerIKKlJDnprTroMoY&s=10[/img][/center][b]Heroname: [/b] Kujaku [b]Quirk:[/b] Illusive Wings [b]Quirk Type:[/b] Psychokinesis • Metamorphosis • Gen 5 Hisora has peacock-like abilities and can do what the former #2 Hero, Hawks does with his wings, the difference between them is that she cast illusions, and shoot beams from the eye-patterns of her wings. [hr]Yatagarasu understood all of that, formerly, Amaya, Kaiga, Kagari and herself were part of 1-A, but once does not cry on spilled milk. [color=FFF8DC]"Stop it you. Whatever you've learned from me, keep it up. Your Professor will be arriving next week due to some delays."[/color] Although she may not express it, she's happy that her former class is actually doing well. [color=FFF8DC]"High-spirited are we now, Ms. Belic. Careful not to choke on your aspirations, lest you weep."[/color] That not only applies to Mischa and Jun but also for the rest of the class and everyone here. [color=FFF8DC]"1-B, please settle down at the moment, we'll be watching 1-A's Joint Training Exercise with Spiderman and his Amazing Friends."[/color]