[@Thayr][@Digmata][@Aku the Samurai][@LC][@Remram][@ERode][@Dragon Arts][@El Gato Naranja][@King Kindred][@The Jest][@CronicCrystalis][@Randomguy][@JrVader][@Iamme][@BlackMaiden][@paingodsson] [hr][sup][h1][b][center][color=black] C L A S S 1 A[/color] [color=#B0C4DE]C L A S S 1 A[/color][/center][/b][/h1][/sup][center]Sigma Training Ground Battles Team Spiderman vs 1-A[/center] [indent][indent][sub][b]Round 1:[/b] Ignia vs Silversable[/sub] [center]The Crowd Test[/center][hr]The fight between Ignia and Silversable took place in an open field of sceneries that mimics cityblock fights. Whatever 1-B will be doing later, will be the same setups yet different scenarios. For instance, Mei & Alya's fight was about Quirk Control in a field where the crossfire happens, both contenders have a far reaching aspect to their Quirks. In this battle, Mei was to mitigate the flames in a burning district while fighting the mock villain, Silversable. Numerous debris fell, simulation-wise and burning buildings, civilians in this case were holographic. Mei pant in exhaustion as she stalled Alya, who's aggressively using her Quirk to destroy the terrain, we saw her silver mercury constructs set things on rubble and fire. [color=lavender]"No you don't! "[/Color] Villains will always try to divert a Hero's attention while they save others, making them prone to high risks. Mei still hasn't fully healed from the Nomu fight at Le'Nombril, last week, she lost two fingers, a pinky and the fourth on her right, she has a minor but visible scar on her left cheek, other wounds were fractured ribs and a sprained left ankle that's still healing. It didn't help that she used herself as a meat shield, in this fight, just like last week, she suffered bruises and non-vital stab wounds from Alya's Quirk. [color=silver]"Get up, you may have redirected the flames but why are you so suicidal? You won't get anywhere, if you keep sacrificing a part of yourself. Being dismembered, realistically hampers the mobility of a Hero's rescue work, you're wasting your potential."[/color] Alya moved so fast, that's because she's silver-skating, she liquified silver and skated on it. Alya delivered a physical beating by cornering Mei against the wall, it's as if she's helpless. Not until she burns the silver off, setting them off some distance between them. [color=lavender]"Prominence...[/color] To Alya's surprise, Mei was really gonna do it, she's overheating and gathering an enormous amount of heat. [color=silver]"Yo, are you for real? You're taking down the both of us and everyone in 8 kilometers! This is just a mock test but if it were real, you'd have endangered not just friends but civilians, precious lives!"[/color] Alya broke character and went from merely playing a role to a concern, Senpai. Yatagarasu intervened and used a fire extinguisher machine to cool off Mei. Mei lost the fight and Alya was given 15-minutes to rest, before she decides which fight would she intervene and assist. [sub][b]Round 2:[/b] Princess Knight vs Blackcat[/sub] [Center]The Chase Test[/center][hr]Erza found herself battered and tired against Nekomi, t'was a battle between a Speedster & Teleporter, this fight illustrated the one that is called, The Chase Test. Heroes must always be prepared for running after against villains, so they won't get away. Whether it's life or death or simply stopping the Villains, the Heroes must always be ready to ignore their pain and -going, otherwise it's going to open many can of worms. Risks that may threaten the future foundations of individuals. As the fight went on in circles, whether it's from Point A to Point B, they were just circling around the field, the spectators, 1-B, could barely see and make of what's happening with Erza and Nekomi's battle, it was a series of multiple blurs. Luckily, Eirei has a motion sensor capture that shows captured frame by frame shots of Erza and Nekomi going at it, from all over the place. Kyoya looked at Matsuru, [color=87CEFA]"I'm pretty sure you caught up to what's happening with those eyes, not as entertaining as the previous match, even I don't like seeing Akira's girlfriend, crash and burn. Anyways, the reason why I'm being such a chatterbox, if it ain't obvious, is because I wanna look you in the eye and tell me that we're gazing upon the Quirks we're bringing in our fight. That is a strategy you cannot lie about, I want you and me to have a fair battle without excuses." [/color] Kyoya knew well enough that Matsuru may just be as focused as him to see how all the fights will pan out. [color=87CEFA]"Oh yeah, back earlier, Aki, you said Distance Snap, I think I'll settle for more, I feel like 1-A vs Team Spidey is showing a lot of Quirks for me to copy, I'm like a kid in a candy store."[/color] The fight between Blackcat and Princess Knight has ended, the clear winner was Himekishi Erza. Spidey broke the fourth wall and commented on the fight just like how Present Mic would. [color=crimson]"The fight between Blackcat and Princess Knight has ended, the clear winner was Himekishi Erza but ohh what's this? Look at that, look who's fresh from hell! We got Silversable, Alya Silvanova, seriously why can't you be gold, anyways, if I'm thinking what I'm thinking...oh shit![/color] Erza may have defeated Blackcat, fair and square but she had no juice left to speed away from Alya, she got karate chopped to the neck and knocked out. [sub][b]Round 3:[/b] Fairytale vs Spiderman[/sub] [center]The Bargain Test[/center][hr]This battle between Fairytale and Spiderman, showcased a hostage scenario, sometimes it's not just about the physical battles from the comic book, there's also the mind. Ritsuku came to a realization that the Joint Training purposely sets up "mismatches", to test how far can one go to beat the odds. What he now knew was that, they could have at least, switched opponents, if that was ever an option, if there were any Team Battles but none at all in said fights. The fights were all, round by round. Spiderman gave two messed up scenarios, if Ritsuku can spill the Intel about the secret identity of Heroes, he will let go of the ransom but if not, he will tear them limb from limb. Heroes must be careful of their words and must be sure to use have a better choice of words so that they can diffuse the lunacy of the villain's grip against the ransom. [color=CD5C5C]"Makete better yo, this is Mei's game, yield I shall."[/color] In reality, the choices frustrated Ritsuku, he's not good with negotiations and doubted why he's selected as a 1-A rep. He gave up and never get to physically fight Spiderman, he lost to his idol, mentally. The fights concluded as Alya arrived to the scene where Spiderman was. Hisora sighed and told 1-B. [color=FFF8DC]"You've seen the scenarios on how things are, this isn't just your typical brawn battle. I hope all of you learned something from their Joint Training because three of these scenarios will be randomly given to the lucky ones. This is how Eirei functions, we're hands on experience rather than theory like your High School Years, surely there are internships but this one is different because as you dive deeper into your Hero careers, you must realize that you can't solve everything with your fists and you can't save everybody. The venue will be cleaning up in a bit, I will announce the first match after. Reflect on what you saw and do what you can do better for later."[/color] [/indent][/indent]