"..." I don't really know what I expected from the necromancer, but... To be honest--- Pathetic probably wasn't it. I don't know what her motivations are, but she's not imposing. She looks frail, if anything. I guess I'm not very impressive either, but at the same time--- Wait. That undead is fresh, and one of the guard. How did she even---? I take a deep breath, stepping back and raising the borrowed sword as I do. It'll be a little harder to handle but at the same time I don't really have much of a choice. I can't really think about how she managed to obtain the zombie yet. That has to wait. Even if it's a fresh body, I'm alive. I'll definitely be faster! Ducking low, and compressing my silhouette as much as I can, I rush for the undead. I have to get it out of the way before I can do anything else! I'll aim for under the arm, then drag the sword upwards and hopefully disarm it in a literal sense before going for another blow to finish it off. That'll leave just me and the Necromancer!