[center][h2]Verius Sanctian[/h2][/center] Evidently the locals had no difficulty recognizing the four of them for the capable warriors that they were. Thankfully, they also came to the conclusion that it'd be better to have Verius and his companions as members rather than competitors. Joining the guild would not only allow them to support themselves, it also would also afford them a lower profile than if they were gallivanting all over Hammerfell while independent and unaligned. It was unclear as to how much work the guild would be able to offer in the long term, but as long as they could put food on the table and avoid drawing too much attention to themselves, their current objectives would be met "Dwemer ruin? I've been in one or two before, we can handle that," Verius replied to the knight. Dwemer ruins were dangerous, but fairly consistent in the dangers that they posed. After all, it wasn't like the ruins had changed much since their masters disappeared.