[center][img]https://a.l3n.co/i/YBPlZo.png[/img][/center] [right]Rembrandt Township April 13, X903 Rembrandt Train Station [@Zarkun][@Cello][@samreaper][@Joshua Tamashii][@LunarLord34][/right] While Ariel had initially been talking to Aylin about nothing in particular, when Akemi took charge in that regard. Taking a step back she listened to the two converse for a bit before posting herself by one of the doors. Turning her attention out the window, she watched as the scenery passed by. There was definitely a part of her that wished she was in the outdoors rather than in this box with wheels. Clearly she was going to have to come to terms with the fact that she would essentially be a different person with each magic. There weren't quite enough of them to work out if there was any rhyme or reason to the personality. Ears twitching and swiveling, the woman's attention was pulled away from her thoughts. The train itself made a decent amount of noise, but there had been a shift in the dull murmurings from the direction of the door she was near. She could barely make out that it was people after giving it a bit more focus. The car next door was being rowdy for some reason. Standing up and peering through the window on the door, she could see there was some kind of commotion going on. [color=tan]"That's weird. Wonder what's going on over there."[/color]