[hr] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5kZWI4ODcuVUc5dElFVjJaWEpuY21WbGJnLjE/hippie-movement.regular.webp[/img][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/b3/f3/196w9mDz_o.png[/img][/center] [right][code]13 Mourningdove Lane[/code][/right] [hr] Pom was mistaken to think that the door slamming shut behind her would be her biggest scare of the night as she joined the group in the parlor room and was immediately crushed by a wave of terror when she realized that they all were young. Some of them were kinda of familiar, like Mason whose question she replied to by putting a finger to her lip because he was supposed to act like he didn’t know her in case anybody in here was a cop, man, while some weren’t. Pom might look as young if not younger than most of them, but the youths had scarily sharp senses that time and poor choices had yet to dull. They could smell the old on her, a sharp blend of Werther’s Original candies and decaying corpse. She didn’t know if it was better to stay beside Bella, who was obviously cool and therefore they all might be tricked and assume Pom was cool too, or to give the young lady some distance lest she be mistaken for her chaperone. She ended up picking the worst option, which was doing a bit of both. She ended up getting distracted by the kitschy little knick knacks on the shelves for long enough that the invisible tether wrapped around Bella’s waist snapped and the elf started drifting away. It became her sole purpose to look at all the neat stuff, unaware that typically when someone “looked at” something they didn’t also pick it up, twist it around, and set it back down in the wrong spot and absolutely fuck up the feng shui of the room. Lena, the Archivist, revealed herself before Jackson, the actual Archivist, chided his assistant and started off a round of introductions. Pom turned her head and stared blankly at the little ball of fire, pointing one finger at Burnie as she clutched the pie box from Norm’s with her other hand. Her eyes darted around the room as her mouth hung open, checking out if anybody else was actually seeing this shit, feeling a bit of relief when she noted that she wasn’t the only person wearing sunglasses at night but the relief soon vanishing when nobody else appeared to be freaking out about the little fire guy. [i][color=DEB887]“Hey, man, does anybody else see that shit…”[/color][/i] muttered Pom. She was always a bit of a mushmouth, but between freaking out about the flame familiar and being worried about making a bad first impression to the kiddos her words were even more mumbled and nigh impossible to hear over the other introductions. [i][color=DEB887]“...like is nobody else is freaked out by that thing or…”[/color][/i] Emmeline, who might’ve secretly been the Archivist, was seemingly distracted by Happy, the true Archivist, while Matt, who definitely had to be the Archivist, was pointing to something in the shadows. [i][color=DEB887]“...like I get it's kind of groovy and all, but there’s a lot of flammable shit in this room. Shouldn't we, I dunno…”[/color][/i] It was only Ethan who said anything about the weird little ball of fire. Possibly. He could’ve been talking about something else. Or maybe it was because he was just trying to play it off like he wasn’t the Archivist. Which he was. At least that’s what she thought until Azure called out from up above, posed precariously on the railing to make his entrance, and then must’ve slipped. A yelp escaped from Pom’s mouth, the first true bit of obviously audible noise she had made, as she dropped the pie box and covered her eyes. She waited for the much louder splat to accompany the softer one that happened when the box hit the floor. Instead, Pom lowered her hands and opened one eye as she heard Azure speak again. Her heart stopped briefly as she caught the graphic image of thick, red goop splattered at her feet, with cracked bits of crust flaked all around it. Some of the pie was still in the box, but some of it had hopped over the edge when she’d dropped it and was now on the floor. Azure, on the other hand, was totally fine. He was floating, which really should’ve been a bigger deal, but Pom was too distracted with trying to save as much of the pie as she could to focus on anything else at the moment. She dropped to her hands and knees, scooping whatever guts she could back into the box, muttering something under her breath about the five second rule and how being exposed to germs was actually beneficial since it bolstered the immune system, quietly raving about how food safety and standards were something created by the Man to soften people up and help out Big Pharma. Pom scrambled back up to her feet with the Frankenpie, her hands a guilty red, her muted rant now turning inward to how stupid she was. [color=475ca0]“Will you fucking shut up for one minute?”[/color] [color=deb887]“I’m sorry,”[/color] said Pom, thinking that she had been rudely talking over everybody introducing themselves and that the others just hadn’t said anything because they were trying to be nice, having mistakenly listened when someone they told them that they should respect the elderly. [color=deb887]“I’m Pom.”[/color] It had been two separate statements, but really it sounded more like the woman was apologizing for being herself. Bea was clearly snapping at Pom, after all. The young girl was probably upset that some old lady was copying her style. Now Pom had fucking done it. Talk about making a terrible first impression. They probably all thought she had arthritis and tremors and that her weak, brittle wrists couldn’t support the weight of an average sized cherry pie. Pom reached a hand up to remove the offending accessory from her face but then left them on, fearful of the others seeing her looking upset. Her thumb left a smudge of cherry filling on her cheek. She was clearly distressed even with the sunglasses blocking her eyes. Her lips tightened to stop her quivering chin as she hung her head. [color=714F8E]“Ah. Was that meant for me?”[/color] said Azure. He must’ve been talking about the pie. He was, after all, the REAL Archivist, and the letter had stated for her to bring one of those pies. He must’ve been upset, too, because he wasn’t even looking at her. Pom shuffled towards Azure with her head lowered before she pulled back the lid of the pie container and revealed the gooey massacre inside of it. Pom turned her head towards the window, unable to look at the carnage, and considered how painful it would be to jump through it. [color=deb887]“It was...I’m sorry, but when you think about it a wrecked pie is really just a cobbler. Basically the same thing. Crust. Fruit Filling. Loads of sugar. Maybe a bit of dirt,”[/color] said Pom, letting out a nervous laugh to cover up that last ingredient. [color=deb887]“What am I saying? Cobbler’s wack. Norm’s is still open. I’ll just go get another cherry pie. Maybe somebody could give me a ride…no, no, I’ll just go. I’ll just go.”[/color] Pom turned to leave and go hide beneath a rock for the rest of her life, only to sharply turn back as Mason shined his light past the little fireball creature and asked, [color=85B7EB]”What the hell is that thing?”[/color] [color=deb887]“Right? It’s so fucking weird! Why isn’t everybody freaking out about it!?”[/color] shouted Pom. She pointed a pie covered finger at the flame. [color=deb887]“What the hell is a Burnie Cinders, man!?”[/color] Then she jerked her thumb towards Azure, nearly hitting him. [color=deb887]"How's this Archivist dude floating!?"[/color] She threw her hands out in front of her in utter defeat. [color=deb887]"How'd that door work!?[/color]