[quote=@AndyC] So our only real hang-up on this one is how he would incorporate into the gang-land setting. He fits the bill as a street-level hero, I'm just not certain how he's going to translate into doing team-ups to fight the likes of Hammerhead and Kingpin. Otherwise, I like the concept, and it's a very well-written CS. We're gonna ponder this one a bit more before making a call. [/quote] [quote]"Winter Soldier, on Staten Island?" "Yeah. He was seen getting into trouble with the local gang of [i]fascista[/i]" "Some habits die hard. Get that old man to me. Fisk has been overstepping, it's time I get some super-muscle of my own." "Right away, Silvermane." [/quote] I explicitly made him a reluctant hero/ anti-hero for this specific setting. He might not be willing to put on the spandex at the first go-around. When people come barking at him, he'll bite back. His self-imposed exile is about to come to an end as the RP starts. Sorry if I didn't make that completely clear.