[quote]I am. It's nice to meet you, Ueno Haru. You can call me Hinata or Hina. Victorious Sun does have a great ring to it. Maybe we'll end up making a name for ourselves as the Sol Dyad. Let's shine bright!" She exclaimed for the entire class to hear while sticking her fist out to Haru.[/quote] Haru’s eyes seemed to sparkle at Hinata’s words. Sol… Dyad? A group of two? A partnership, even? He could see how someone could see him and Hinata in a duo of some kind… after all, both of them have photokinetic quirks. The power of the sun empowers them both. Their hero names, Solaris and Sol Invictus, even both begin with Sol. He could already imagine the tabloid magazines shipping them. Or their classmates teasing. Though, to be completely fair, she's kind of- [color=fff79a] “Why, yes, of course, let us bring light to all the dark places!” [/color] Haru met Hinata's fist bump with his own. Funny how they just met, but they're already hitting it off! [hr] [quote]...”Haru can force Rin on the defensive with his ranged abilities and his Photons can potentially provide him with heat that might allow you to move…”[/quote] As he mentally noted how terribly skintight the Eirei PE uniform was (why couldn’t they just have a t-shirt and pants with the school's color scheme like UA?!) Haru just nodded along. Admittedly, he wasn't very familiar with the quirks of their senpais, at least those that weren't Matsuru’s. He had seen it firsthand during the battle against the High Ends and Keyaru. After all, this was probably the first time he'd met them in any official capacity. Unlike UA, Eirei is very secretive about the capabilities of its heroics course students, too, so it's not like he watched them during a Sports Festival broadcast. [color=fff79a]“I see…”[/color] Haru nodded. [color=fff79a]“Long-ranged combat is my forte, so I will carry out this role in this plan. With Orbital Strike Laser, I can reliably target Rin even when she hides behind cover. I just hope we don't end up in an indoor battle. I kind of need the sun to stay strong, and I don't have my support item to give me photons.”[/color] With that, Haru rested his piece. Then… Kyoya started talking. [hr] [color=8882be][i]“I get that heroes have always used skintight suits since comics first existed… but I will never get used to this…”[/i][/color] Being an avian heteromorph, having a skintight suit was… uncomfortable, to say the least. Izanagi had actual feathers covering his body; had he been using the normal PE uniform for normal people, it would probably feel very, very prickly. His feathers would be tightly pressed against each other and his skin. It would be difficult for him to even move properly. So, while most others used a skin-tight PE uniform, his was looser, its composition and appearance closer to Ice Spice’s hero costume than that of Endeavour. Though, it had about the same dull black coloration. He could see the others squirming inside the skintight uniforms, though, and he could hardly suppress a snicker at how comfortable half of Class 1-B looked. Now, as Izanagi walked alongside everyone to Gym Sigma, he could be heard whispering out words in Latin. Or rather… praying. [color=8882be]“Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat eis...”[/color] It was a prayer for the dead, because, of course, Izanagi was just the type to mutter something like that while going to a training session. Still, as long as they didn't know his secret weakness, it should be safe…