[center] [h1] [color=cyan] Calal Tergis [/color] [/h1] [/center] Calal had been slumped against the wall, lying still, before finally stirring. [color=cyan] "Oh man... my head" [/color] he'd say as he sat up looking at the.... very crammed cell. He wondered if the guy that clocked him would be in here but as he looked around he didn't see him. He sighed as he stood up slowly looking at everyone as he walked forward eye each person before looking around and seeing just how crammed it was he at first looked shocked to see so many people in here. The cell was a little cold to Calal's liking and seemed like the amount of bodies didn't really help all that much when you have been slumped against the wall for who knows how long. The damp air carried the stench of unwashed bodies and stale ale. [color=cyan] "Well, this is quite the cell-ebration... but I was hoping for a more private suite... are you all in here for the same reason?" [/color] he would say nonchalantly and with a grin. [color=cyan] "I wouldn't suppose any of you were the guy that clocked me, are you? I promise I didn't mean to bump into you!" [/color] His eyes scanned the prison as he thought about the different reasons that they'd have this many people in here. Surely it was just for peacekeeping purposes. He'd slowly push his way to the bars that held them there. [color=cyan] "Alright, I'd like to go home to see my family now. I promise I won't make any fuss, I just need to get my stuff and then I'll be on the way back to the Heartlands. I don't even want to be in the Imperial City. I was just here to sell my furs." [/color] he'd say knowing full well it was a moot attempt but he wasn't going to just sit there and not try it. He sat there waiting for any response, when there wasn't he would turn to the large group in the prison and shrug at them. [color=cyan] "Well that was my best attempt. Anyone got any other ideas? Or I assume you all are already working on that... or have been told what is happening next?" [/color] he said wit a grin as he leaned against the bars of the cell. [color=cyan] " Sorry, where are my manners? It's good to meet you chaps. My name is Calal Tergis. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" [/color] He would untie the deer pelt from is waist and use it to wrap around his arms as it was rather cold in the cell. Thankfully the deer hide worked perfectly and he was very grateful that it hadn't been confiscated from... He paused and looked down and raised his head to the sky. [color=cyan] "Really, they had to take my pouch of herbs? It's not like I had skooma in it, just a few flowers I had picked up outside!" [/color] He would shake his head before facing the group again.