[quote=@AndyC] Bucky is [b]APPROVED[/b]. For future clarification, we do want to make sure that SHIELD remains more of a looming background element than having an actual in-game presence. Like the major super-teams, the organization should be treated as "busy doing other stuff." You've shown in your sample that you get that, and you're a good player so we have faith that you'll stick to that. We just want to keep consistent so it doesn't open the door for people to say "well how come he gets to use SHIELD guys and I don't?" [/quote] Oh yeah, I'm keeping SHIELD as far away as possible. Intending for Bucky to have burned every bridge, and any contact he has with SHIELD-agents is on the downlow to avoid unwanted attention / international embarrassment / pissing off Bucky's now-estranged Avengers friends. Also, like I mentioned on the sheet: I've got no plans for steve / sam / walker so if anyone wants to play any of those lads, I've left plenty of potential room to alter Buckys relationship to 'em.