[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DqoXBPQ.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=00e600]A Perrenchman traversing Grey Fields.[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] The good Perrenchman stared into the fog before he would trek through it once more, yet this time he was in luck since he did not have to travel through it all by himself. He squeezed his shoulder before he entered together with the rest. There was not the same anxious feeling from before with a group by his side. [color=00e600]”This really isn’t so bad when we’re together, right?”[/color] Yet there was no response. When he looked around, he noticed that the others were but silhouettes. [color=00e600]”No, no, no, not again.”[/color] He chased after the figures in the fog, yet they all seemed to be moving further away. He soon kicked the pavement when all of them faded into the greyish white. Why was he always alone? Even when with friends, there was a sense of isolation within this place. [color=0033cc]”Hehehehe.”[/color] He heard a cackle within the distance that seemed to be closing in. [color=0033cc]”How badly must you suck, little brother?”[/color] From within the fog a silhouette formed, and it looked identical to his eldest sibling. [color=0033cc]”Your bootlickers are nowhere to be seen. Your so called friends left you. Gods, I almost feel bad for you.”[/color] Yvain barely even blinked before he could feel a hit within his gut. [color=0033cc]”You might be father’s favorite for now, but I will have my titles back.”[/color] Armand began to walk back into the fog. [color=0033cc]”I pray for your downfall, brat. Maybe then you’ll learn some humility.”[/color] Yvain coughed, the pain from the punch seemed to be real. Yet before he could fully recover from it he felt a soft hand caress his cheek. [color=00e600]”Look at what he did to you.”[/color] A familiar womanly voice rang through his ears. [color=00e600]”You shouldn’t be in a place like this, Yvain. Please go back.”[/color] Yvain finally stood straight and stared his sister right in her eyes. [color=00e600]”You also wish to stop me, dear sister?..”[/color] The woman shook her head. [color=d4af37]”Not stop you… protect you. I love you, brother. Please don’t keep throwing your life away so many times.[/color] Cecile sighed, grabbing a pluck of her hair. [color=d4af37]”I’m too young to start greying from all my worries, you know?”[/color] Yvain smiled. [color=00e600]”I’m sorry sister, but I must. If everyone else is moving forward, Eshiran would forbid me from going back.”[/color] The woman began to look concerned. [color=d4af37]”But you’re not just anybody. You are my baby brother.[/color] Yvain just kept on smiling, it was good to see her sister… even if the chance of her being the real deal was close to nothing. [color=00e600]”That is exactly why I need to move forward. Who else will tell Lucien adventurous stories?”[/color] Yvain moved forward, leaving the image of his sister behind. [color=d4af37]”Please.. for once, listen…”[/color] Two hands clung to both his wrists. One was that of a woman, and the other a man, yet the grip from the woman’s hand was stronger. [color=pink]”We finally found you, you seem better than before.”[/color] A relieved-sounding Vossoriyan spoke out. [color=fff200]”If you run off like that we can’t be there to protect you, you know?”[/color] Yvain’s eyes widened upon hearing the words of the ones he considered dear friends. Out of the three, he always knew he was the weakest… but he wouldn’t need protection, right? The man began to tug his arms away from their grip. [color=pink]”You are too direct. He weak, but he still our friend.”[/color] Yvain began to swing his arms around to break free from their grip. Pain be damned. [color=fff200]”Hey, watch it! You might hit my face!.”[/color] Once loose enough Yvain began to run. He did not care whereto, he just needed to leave them. [color=00e600][i]Shut your traps! I’m not weak…[/i][/color] He ran and ran through this endless space of the barely visible until he arrived at a scene where the fog seemed to clear somewhat. [color=ff9900]”Big brother, it has been too long.”[/color] The voice sounded familiar, but deeper. The soft squeaks of wheels entered the scene and soon a person that looked similar to his little brother appeared. [color=00e600]”Lucien?... Is that you?”[/color] The young man’s smile was bright upon hearing the noble speak his name. [color=ff9900]”I’m so happy you remember me. Everything has been so much worse since you left… or I think so.”[/color] Yvain’s eyes were focused on the wheelchair. [color=00e600]”Lucien, what do you mean with you think so?... And who did this to you?”[/color] The young man in turn began to do a small trick on his wheels to show off. [color=ff9900]”This was a gift, isn’t it cool? I can move around with this much better.”[/color] He then looked down. [color=ff9900]”Father did.. “[/color] Yvain turned furious. [color=00e600]”Father broke your legs?”[/color] He coughed. [color=ff9900]”Not broken, just hastened… I got off easy.”[/color] [color=00e600]”You’re a… how come I only know now?”[/color] Yvain looked at his disabled brother. [color=ff9900]”You always knew, brother… You just denied it, praying that it went away.”[/color] Lucien sighed before rolling forward. [color=ff9900]”But enough about me, you have been gone for a long time… It might be time I tell you everything that happened while you were gone.”[/color] The eldest brother, Armand laid on the ground. devoid of life.Yet his sister did not look much better, but she looked alive. She held her dead brother’s head to her chest in a mix between aggression and depressive sadness in her bloodied face. The wheels stopped with a squeak. [color=ff9900]”Father couldn’t handle losing his golden child. He wanted us to be just as strong as you, no matter what it did to us.”[/color] Lucien pointed to his legs that were tugged neatly in his wheelchair. [color=ff9900]”I was tethered, so I was lucky enough to be thrown away once my legs stopped working.”[/color] Yvain looked at the scene with utter disgust. His old man wouldn’t have fed siblings aberrations out of his grief, right? Soon his signature desk would be met his most trusted aid slumped over, gripping at his chest. [color=ff9900]”Olivier tried to keep everything neat and orderly for when you returned. He held hope until his heart couldn’t take the stress any longer.”[/color] The man who raised him into the noble he became was now dead on his desk because he wasn’t there for him. His friend would be seen in a ceremonial casket. [color=ff9900]”He tried to stop the war, and what did he get for that virtue? Betrayal by his own leader… killed and then portrayed as a martyr.[/color] Yvain looked within Leon’s casket, such a peaceful face for an energetic man like him was an uncomfortable sight. [color=ff9900]”This is your biggest mistake, brother.”[/color] It was a high-standing throne, with the silhouette sitting upon it looking eerily like Yuliya. [color=ff9900]”You could have ended everyone’s suffering by just ending this monster when you had the chance!”[/color] He yelled. [color=ff9900]”I looked up to you, but to think you were friendly with a sanguinaire… and knew she was one.”[/color] He shook his head angrily. [color=ff9900]”Not just that, brother…. You willingly let her grow in strength. You should have burned that body to cinders before she could feed on it..”[/color] The fog began to swirl, Lucien’s face began to distort within a face of pure disdain as he looked at Yvain. [color=ff9900]”I am ashamed…”[/color] The fog began to swirl until nothing was clear anymore. [color=ff9900]”...Of you..”[/color] Yvain, upon processing everything he just saw, grew weak in his legs. Tears began to well up, how many mistakes has he made?