[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zvh6Fp8.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/hGfMBjF.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Nova City Bank[/color][/h3] [@enmuni], [@Crimson Flame], [@Goblininamech], [@Silver Carrot] [hr] The aftermath of Ethan's attack left the area surrounding the bank charred in ashes. Some officers still stood, huddled behind riot shields. But the rest? The innocent bystanders too close to the show? Faint whimpers rose up, the smoke parting to reveal people crumpled on the pavement, covered from head to toe in second and third degree burns. Faintly, the sounds of ambulances could be heard in the distance. Ethan shot a look to Pestilence and Pine, [b][color=6666ff]”They ain't walking this one off. I got a back-up getaway car on standby, let's head there.”[/color][/b] Once again, the red stars appeared near the group's feet, and Ethan flew them over the police barricade. He shot off yellow stars down at the officers who dared to even [i]look[/i] at them funny. Soon the group, with their bags of money, where running on the ground again, turning the corner where an idling van lay in wait. Ethan’s men opened the doors, and everyone pilled inside, the doors slamming shut while the driver screeched down the road. Mission accomplished. *** Meanwhile, watching the entire thing, Aster had her one hand rested on the table, the other one her hip as she listened to Georgia. [b]”My my. Well, I was never any good at explaining things. I'll leave that to the Masked Solaris.”[/b] As Georgia held the smoke in her mouth, Aster leaned over, passing the woman and card. It had ‘Solaris Consultants’ written in gold ink against the white. [b]”Arrive whenever you like at the Arakana Tower. The receptionist will be told to be expecting you. And arrangements will be made for you.”[/b] With that, to the sound of ambulances pulling up and the cries of the injured, Aster turned and walked off in the opposite direction, offering a wave as she departed. *** Wireframe began their stake-out at the restaurant. And they learned a few things rather quickly. Some kind of password was used among men coming and going. Only those with the right password were let into the ‘Employee’s Only’ area. Was this area connected with the Underground Scene? Was this where the auction took place? While Wireframe watched, she received a mysterious text from an unknown number. [code]You could stare all week and not learn anything more. Not what is sold, not how people get in. I have information that can help you with this. Why don't you come meet me tomorrow, 6PM? -Auri[/code] And besides the inclusion of an address at small office building near the heart of the city, Gold Pavilion, there wasn't much else for her to go off of. Could this person really help them? [hr] [h3][color=gray]Across the City[/color][/h3] [@everyone] [hr] In the aftermath of the bank heist, news programs were going off the hook in their reportings, painting wanted posters of the three main suspects at large: Masked Solaris, Pestilence, and Poison Oak. There was a press conference held by the NCPD, stating they would not rest until the culprits were captured. And a few hours after? Two mysterious messages were sent all across the city to both heroes and villains. One from the Masked Solaris, one from an old player that had only recently emerged on the scene: Aurealis Ivory. The message from the Masked Solaris read as followed for all the villains: [code]The Dragon is becoming a problem in our beloved city! I think you'd be the perfect match for our work. Of course, you'll be paid handsomely. You might even gain a little infamy~ Come meet me July 2nd, tomorrow, at 6 PM, and we'll talk about it. Arakana Tower, 30th Floor.[/code] The message from Aurealis Ivory read as followed for all the heroes: [code]This has to stop. I fear greatly for Nova City and am calling out to all heroes who feel the same. Antagonists like the Masked Solaris and the Dragon will get out of hand at this rate, and may even become a global threat. I have intelligence that can help you rid this city of them. Come meet me on the 48th floor of the Gold Pavilion, and let's put an end to this. Tomorrow, 6 PM sharp.[/code] [hr][hr][hr][h1]The Next Day, July 2nd, Monday[/h1][hr][hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zvh6Fp8.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Arakana Tower, 30th Floor, the Lagoon Lounge[/color][/h3] [@all villains] [hr] The money had been divided long before this impromptu meeting. Ethan had, of course, told Pestilence and Pine about the opportunity to make new friends, and had invited them early to the festivities. As villains started entering the [url=https://pin.it/ESuytBZPI]Lagoon Lounge[/url] around 6 PM, they would find a blue-lit, shiny bar lounge with the gleam of fluorescent lights hanging from above, and the light of the waning sun shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Ethan gave a wave to his guests as they filtered in. [b][color=6666ff]”Welcome, welcome! Please, make yourself comfortable~”[/color][/b] He would say, pointing to the open bar and the row of snacks, fries, samosas and and Russian salad available. Ethan himself was dressed in a black dress shirt, white suit and white tie for the occasion, wingtip loafers clicking smoothly on the polished ground as he stepped. He moved to the center of the room as people got settled, pointing to the case files on the other side of the bar. [b][color=6666ff]”Feel free to pick a case file that you want to tackle. And if you want to team up with someone, that's okay too! “Our goal is to learn more about the operations the Dragon undertakes, his weaknesses and how we're going to dismantle him. We need to figure out his sources of income, and [i]relieve[/i] him of those…”[/color][/b] There were three case files lined up on the bar: the Dragon's Underground Auction, the Dragon's Cocaine Labs, and the Dragon's Casino Royale. The Underground Auction gave details of the Irish Pint Tavern, which acted as a front for one of the stages of this auction house. It appeared to be heavily guarded though, so it was unclear how the best way to get in would be. The Cocaine Labs were in warehouses on the edge of the city. Again, heavily guarded, but if they were destroyed, the Dragon would take a huge blow. And lastly, the Casino Royal was a high-end slots and gambling house in downtown Nova City, and the gang made a heavy profit from it. However, it too was heavily guarded. Ethan looked over his guests with a twinkle in his violet eyes, eager to hear what they had to say. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PWPcnMc.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]The Gold Pavilion, 48th Floor, Gold Trim Catering[/color][/h3] [@all heroes] [hr] The [url=https://pin.it/5cDsCPfd1]Gold Trim Catering[/url] was lit up with its chandeliers, flowers, and fresh linens, waiting for their guests with earnest. Aurealis stood by the largest table in the room, dressed down in a silk white dress, holes cut for her wings to move freely. [b][color=goldenrod]”Come in, don't be shy. Let's eat, and let's talk about saving this city. Take a seat and pick a folder that you like.”[/color][/b] There were indeed folders dedicated to each villain in the city. They included recent photos, and a suspected base of operations. Among them, there was the Dragon, Masked Solaris, Pestilence, Poison Oak, and Anathema. And, underneath the covers, there was a whole steaming turkey, mashed and spiced potatoes, bread rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy, and steamed vegetables.