Any wolf, huh? The thought won't leave her head. It's been bouncing along inside her head like a pebble in a boot. Any wolf could try. Any wolf could be shogun, if they had the ambition and the guts to try it. … Redana's a wolf, isn't she? It's a terrible thought, a nightmare of logistics, counter to their whole mission, a position that Redana would hate and Bella would chastise her for even considering. But still, the thought is-- Dyssia takes the notebook like a shipwrecked sailor climbing into a lifeboat. It's weird, right? Because on the one hand, writing things down is, ugh, you know? Like, you're pinning thoughts on paper, and making plans you just [i]know[/i] you're not gonna keep, and setting goals you'll find unimaginable once two weeks have passed. But on the other hand! Oh, on the other hand, words that someone [i]else[/i] has written down! Glorious thoughts, or, or better yet, [i]instructions![/i] Like nectar from the gods! Stabilizing, bracing, understandable! Distraction, compulsion, immortal, eternal! She pores over the figures, absentmindedly nodding, eyes flicking between sums and columns and supplies, and makes some quick notes. "Yes, in this column here, I think you'll find. An addition error, perhaps." [i]Like they're trapped repeating the same project, over and over again, always moving forward and yet staying still. Locked into their ambitions, working towards them, making endless progress and no change whatsoever.[/i] [i]Aphrodite has his claws in them all.[/i]