[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cd6puO1.png[/img][/center] [indent][sub][COLOR=2E2C2C]i told you to stop spying[/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=white][b]Location:[/b][/COLOR] [I][color=silver]Wolkwitz Auditorium, Merryweather Institute[/color][/I][/right][/sup][/indent][hr][indent][color=silver][color=gold]"I don't think it'll be long. They probably just want to welcome us to the school."[/color] Following the now-swarming crowd, Sarah continued to lead Elena, taking a staircase down to the bottom floor. She made no move to use the railing, her uncertainty and fear rising once again. Static was one thing, but the thought of a human barbeque was another. Metal was a strong conductor of electricity. Holding the railing, Sarah feared, without the slightest thought of how to control her powers, was sure to give everyone a good zap—or worse. Not wanting to make a scene, however, Sarah continued her hastily hurry out of the building. She hoped Elena might brush it off; that she just didn't want to be late... and wasn't stuck on the thought of frying people to a crisp. [color=gold]"If I remember correctly,"[/color] Sarah began to explain, turning to Elena. Better to keep acting the part if she wanted Elena to think so. [color=gold]"The Wolkwitz auditorium should be right across this courtyard."[/color] Taking the lead once more, Sarah walked across the stone-brick pathway, and towards the large auditorium building. As they entered, she immediately looked around the auditorium in a search for seats for herself and her roommate. Even though they had arrived early to the auditorium, it was clear that the building had been filling up fast with attendees. Finding their seats as soon as possible would help them stay out of the stampede of students that were now charging into the auditorium. That's when Sarah spotted them—a purple-haired girl, legs propped up on the seats in front, and a towering giant, whose face appeared marked with scars. It seems she might've had more in common with her fellow students here than she originally thought. [color=gold]"Do you mind if we sit with you?"[/color] Sarah politely asked, motioning to the empty seats beside the two of them.[/color][/indent]