"Hrmph," the Space Marine expelled air incredulously at the claim to be able to deign the future in the entrails of a recently deceased rodent. Eyes were faulty. Eyes could not see anything like the Omophagea could suss out of the thoughts and feelings of the deceased. Though, admittedly, Vigrid had not attempted to consume any rodent to his knowledge. Ramona had implanted a curious, but obviously erroneous idea. No way eating rat-guts could tell the future. Even the consideration of a thought like that was heresy. Probably. Vigrid considered what the woman posited. "Such a coincidence irks me. It is possible that there were more than one assailant, though I see no evidence of it yet." The broken glass was probably an egress, right? That 'probably' again. A second shooter could explain the inhuman speed of catching the Archmagos while teleporting... "Perhaps the broken window may not have been the escape route after all..." Vigrid mused, though he didn't put much thought into the sentiment. When he considered the displacer field, Vigrid came up empty. In the lurch, he ventured a question to his cohort-by-proximity. "Do you know anything about Displacer Fields?" He didn't wait for her response, before moving to the cogitators for a closer look. Something felt off about them. The brute moved to the cogitators, investigating the broken window in passing when he considered how heavy these machines were. A heavy burden, indeed. And all the way down the Ivory Tower. But what if... What if the machines never left this chamber? [Spend 1 point in Data Recovery]